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From south to.... "south-er"?

ARGENTINA | Sunday, 27 April 2014 | Views [275] | Scholarship Entry

How does a girl from Venezuela ends up living in Argentina? Well, let me explain:

Venezuela is an AMAZING country, full of nature and with tons of heavenly beaches and an extense variety of landscapes: from cold mountains, to humid jungle or warm crowded cities. It has it all. I absolutely love my country, but I realized this when I came to my current place of living: Argentina.

I have been here for two years now (I moved on May 9th, 2012) and I've learnt a lot of things and met people from all over the world. I came here to study publishing management, but I stayed for the cultural opportunities that I discovered while exploring the city.

As I said, the main reason that brought me here was academic, but I decided to stay because I found that this city has pretty good things to offer to the foreigners beyond the "asado", the tango or the "dulce de leche". In Venezuela we have really beautiful places and an idiosyncrasy like nowhere else, but the cultural mix that you find in Buenos Aires is unique. Here, you can find people from all over the world, both making a living or just passing. I have met people from Switzerland, Austria, United States, France, England, Ireland, Perú, Brazil, Australia, Holland, El Salvador, and so on.

Argentina is a place to meet people, to enjoy the stay surrounded by a group with amazing stories, from different places, to share. In Argentina, you buy a glass of "Trapiche" Malbec or a pint of "Quilmes", look by your side, say "Hi", and you have a friend.

I'd love to go back to Venezuela in the future; like I said, my country has it all. But if it wasn't for Argentina, the people I have met here and the stories I've heard, I couldn't have realized this. The day I return to Venezuela, I know I'm going to enjoy the "arepas" in a way I couldn't have before.

I ended up here due to my career, but I stayed because of curiosity. I don't know where the wind is going to blow me off to now, but I hope it to be a place as interesting as Argentina.

So, to sum up, the question shouldn't be how did I end up here, but why did I decide to let myself fall in love with this place.

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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