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nomad adventures "bike, paddle and adventure - that´s what life is all about!" emma & scott

Heading to New Zealand and Coast to Coast!!! :-)

SWEDEN | Thursday, 10 December 2009 | Views [912] | Comments [8]

We are off! Two months in New Zealand, and the worlds thoughest and oldest multisport solo race awaits us- the legendary Coast to Coast

We left Umeå on the night of the 10th, flying to Los Angeles on the 11th, and spending some days there with Scott’s family. On the 14th we fly to Auckland via a 12 hour stop in Brisbane, Australia.

Once in NZ we are hoping to find a cheap car to buy, and then resell when we leave. Same with two kayaks (most likely we will spend more money on those than on the car :-) We are bringing our mtb´s with us. And the tent of course! As usual, we plan to spend 0 money on accommodation. Tent and hospitable Kiwis will be our lodging. We actually know quite a few people down under; multisporters, friends of friends, relatives of friends and so on. And they have all welcomed us to stay with them!

The race then: for those of you that haven’t heard about it, it is the oldest solo multisport race in the world. It’s also considered the world championships in solo multisport. This is the 28th year that it will take place. It starts on the west coast of the South Island, and finishes on the east coast – therefore called ”Coast to Coast”. The course goes like this: 3 km running, 55 km cycling, 33 km running (over Arthur’s Pass), 15 km cycling, 67 km paddling (class 2 river), 70 km biking. A total of 243 km. Men’s winning time is about 11-12 hours (depending on the wind) and women’s is about 13-14 hours. About 30 % of the competitors does not cross the finish line – so it’s quite a tough race. Oh boy, will it hurt! But it will also be really fun! (as long as we cross the finish line…)

The race is the 13th of February. Until then we are going to train for the race, do fun adventures, see as much of the country as we can, enjoy the beautiful nature, and HAVE FUN! Hopefully we will find some local races to compete in along the way. We return to Sweden on the 20th of February.

Hope you will follow us along!


Emma and Scott




See you guys when you get here in the South. If you need a training guide down the Waimak (the river you will race on )let me know ASAP so I can organise.

All the best.


  Daryl Dec 13, 2009 6:18 PM


Nu är jag hemma i sverige igen, skönt men lite tråkigt. Ghana känns verkligen som en annan planet! Sa till alla där nere att sverige är cold, clean and quiet och det stämmer! Hoppas ni får en fantastisk resa!
kramar susanna

  susanna Dec 15, 2009 11:14 PM


Hope you guys made it to NZ in one piece! It was great to see you in LA but I'm soooo sorry you both got that nasty stomach bug. As I was laying in bed in agony on Monday, I was thinking HOW MUCH WORSE this would be on an airplane for 15 hours!!! Oh man, I feel terrible that happened to you both. I'm hoping by now you are healthy, in the southern hemisphere, and that you actually have your bikes. Is that hoping too much?

Love, Kelly

  Kelly Cole Dec 17, 2009 11:32 AM


Hej på er kära ni!
Jag kom upp till Umeå den 13:e och spenderade en vecka i det fantastiska vinterlandskapet. Hade dock tänkt att ni skulle vara där.. Men samma dag som jag kom upp så läste jag ert mail. Men vilken grej! Hoppas att ni får det jättebra! God god jul. Kramar Martina

  Martina Dec 22, 2009 9:03 AM


Wondering how things are going after the bumpy start? Fingers crossed that all is well and your only concern is the weather. Remember a hokey pokey Ice Cream will fix everything

  Mary Coombes Dec 23, 2009 1:12 PM


Left Umeå behind yesterday. Now at home in Jyväskylä Finland. Have to say, - mixed feelings... Hope everything is OK there in NZ. Eager to read your first raport.
Happy New Year!!

  Tapani Kkkk Jan 1, 2010 6:45 AM


Get your blog up and running, want to see pictures and hear about your adventures real soon.

  mom Jan 3, 2010 12:37 PM


Gott Nytt År !
Lyckliga ni som är på sydön....
Var rädda om er.
Kramar från fam. Markhed-Nilsson/ Maria

  Maria Jan 8, 2010 10:20 PM



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