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There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "travel".


NEW ZEALAND | Tuesday, 3 Mar 2015 | Views [427]

Hi! I'm Inconvenience. You and I are going to encounter eachother quite often if you decide to pack up and leave the county to budget travel for 3 months, so let me tell you a bit about myself. I am the guy in the bunk below you, in the 3 bed, closet-... Read more >

Tags: inconvenience, mistakes, travel, trouble

Coping with the Unpredictable

MOROCCO | Wednesday, 15 Jan 2014 | Views [406]

Gray clouds hovered ominously overhead, fat with potential rain and threatening to split open at any moment. My 40 pound pack was cutting into my shoulders as I trudged down the Marrakech sidewalk, dodging persistent touts and speeding cyclists. "Did ... Read more >

Tags: coping, mishaps, travel


SPAIN | Sunday, 15 Dec 2013 | Views [470]

My toes disappear beneath the soft white sand as I wiggle my bare feet into the ground. Amy is sitting on the a stone step in front of me, her legs crossed, chattering away, her choppy British accent dancing over the sound of waves. Jamie chucks a stick ... Read more >

Tags: bittersweet, friends, friendship, goodbyes, leaving, sitges, spain, travel


SPAIN | Saturday, 9 Nov 2013 | Views [485]

I've had several revelations about my traveling experience in the past week. One of my realizations is that I'm falsifying my experience on the internet. I'm lying. I want to remedy that.  The advent and increase of Facebook use, blogging and ... Read more >

Tags: movement, on the road, revelations, stimulation, travel, why we travel


SPAIN | Tuesday, 29 Oct 2013 | Views [597]

"Oh, I knew I was making my life into a song-and-dance routine, a production number, a shaggy dog story, a sick joke, a bit. I thought of all the longing, the pain, the letters (sent and unsent), the crying jags, the telephone monologues, the suffering, ... Read more >

Tags: drinking, friends, friendship, language, social, spain, spanish, travel


SPAIN | Sunday, 20 Oct 2013 | Views [639]

On Saturday, I completed my inaugural pilgrimage to Barcelona as a full-fledged tourist. I spent too much money on a bus tour of the city with <a href="http://www.barcelonabusturistic.cat/ca/home">Barcelona Bus Turístic</a>. A breezy, ... Read more >

Tags: barcelona, bus tours, crowds, gaudi, groups, people, throngs, tour, tourism, travel

La Libertad

SPAIN | Friday, 11 Oct 2013 | Views [539]

The sea spreads wide as I walk down the alley way, a small sliver of blue growing before me in all its dark and rumbling majesty. Deep navy clouds loom on the horizon and the threatening wind whips my hair around my face. I am encased with the muted ... Read more >

Tags: beach, freedom, ocean, sea, seaside, solitude, spain, travel, travel alone

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