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There are [0] photos and [4] stories about Morocco

Peace in the Chaos

Friday, 22 May 2015 | Views [427] | Scholarship Entry

The night market in Marrakech’s town square is chaos: the air thick with steam and pungent spices, the metallic clang of pots and pans, meat simmering on hot griddles, bright lights reflecting off of silver cookware. Eager waiters beckon with their hands ... Read more >

Tags: 2015 Writing Scholarship

Moroccan Hospitality

Saturday, 18 Jan 2014 | Views [400]

"Emma, you come help," says Ezzhora, assertive but smiling. I had asked to help with the cooking before lunch, but she insisted I join her son Mohamed for a walk around their neighborhood. Eager to contribute, I jumped from my seat at the table and ... Read more >

Tags: cultural exchange, food, goodness, hospitality

Coping with the Unpredictable

Wednesday, 15 Jan 2014 | Views [399]

Gray clouds hovered ominously overhead, fat with potential rain and threatening to split open at any moment. My 40 pound pack was cutting into my shoulders as I trudged down the Marrakech sidewalk, dodging persistent touts and speeding cyclists. "Did ... Read more >

Tags: coping, mishaps, travel

Stand No. 1

Tuesday, 7 Jan 2014 | Views [375]

At Stand No. 1 in the Jemaa el Fna food market, there is an old chef who is missing most of his front top teeth. I know this because I've been to Stand No. 1 almost every night for the past week, slipping discretely onto one of the black vinyl benches.... Read more >

Tags: food, food markets, hospitality, morocco



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