Today I started the Abel Tasman Track, one of the great walks. The weathe continues to be great. I walked from Marahau to Anchorage which was around 12km. I arrived around lunchtime at the Anchorage hut. After lunch i left the backpack and went exploring.
First I went out to the Pitt Head Lookout and walked the circuit around to the absolutely stunning Te Pukatea Bay. Afte rthis I went in the other direction and walked most of the hightide track out to Cleopatra's Pools. I slipped over on a rock in the pool but didn't hurt myself, after dropping my phone which luckily didn't cause any harm. I went down the natural waterslide which was good fun. Luckily I avoided injury.
I returned to Anchorage bay and had a lovely swim. Whilst drying on the beach I was befriended by ranger Steve who persuaded me to go for another swim and then to partake in his 'gym workout'. I avoided his invitation to show me the glow worm cave.