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Kim, Col & Casey in South America Living it up on a South American west-side adventure!

Stitchy McPain, Rashy & Spoondog´s Epic Arequipian Adventures

PERU | Sunday, 12 October 2008 | Views [1072] | Comments [2]

Wow, what an epic adventure!  We´re here at The Point Hostel in Arequipa, Peru, sadly shaking our heads in a confused state of self-imposed bewilderment and dehydration.  We had the most epic day yesterday/today.  In the earlier stages of our trip, we selected on a given day the winner for an award based on who had done the most stupid, unlucky or hilarious thing for the day.  But after Casey´s efforts over the last 48 hours, I doubt very much that we´ll be able to top it.  :o)  Casey as seriously set a new standard for being a complete and utter retard.  It is epic!

The panic began when Casey reached into his bag to grab his camera and realised that his money belt wasn´t there anymore.  We were at the Colca Canyon, which is bloody amazing - one of the deepest canyons in the world at 10725 ft (3269 m) more than twice as deep as the Grand Canyon in the United States.  We were on a 2 day hike from the top of the canyon to the bottom, where we stayed the night, then hiked back up to the top.  A decent effort, I must say.  Needless to say, there´s no electricity or phone lines down at the bottom of the canyon, and even where there are phone lines, Casey could really make any use of them because he has no phone numbers on him, can´t speak Spanish, and was fairly certain that his money pouch had been stolen from his bag while he was sleeping on the bus.

So, as you would imagine, Casey was stressing out badly, and unable to do anything useful about it until he got back.  With all that excess nervous energy, he cained it up the canyon to the point where the guide joked that he was running up it, and felt the need to catch up with Casey in order to slow him down.

When we returned to the hostel, our shit got spread out everywhere in a vain hope that we could find his money pouch.  We had packed before the Colca Canyon trip in a less than sober state, so none of us could be sure we didn´t have it.  See, he had his passport, credit card and drivers licence all in the pouch, and so it is the worst thing possible to loose with the sole exception of maybe your camera with all the amazing photos of what we´ve done.  After looking absolutely everywhere, we finally gave in to the inevitable - it was gone, most likely stolen.

So Casey stresses through the day, and by sometime after about 10pm, he had received from the tourist police a dodgy piece of paper with some stamps and signatures on it which we can only assume is a statement regarding the stolen property.  Its a poor quality print, all in Spanish, and I haven´t bothered yet to attempt to translate it.  Either way, Casey still has to visit the consulate in Lima to try to get a new passport.  Until then, he can´t leave the country!

So, Casey (as I´m sure you can understand) proceeds to drown his sorrows with us in the bottom of a Pisco bottle (a local drink that really isn´t very good - some kind of bad grape brandy) a whiskey bottle, and many cervezas (beers).  We played a few games of pool, talked shit with some cool English folk, and played this game called Jenga el Grande.

Jenga is basically a whole bunch of wooden blocks (large blocks in this case), initially stacked in a fairly stable manner.  The idea is to carefully remove one block on your turn without toppling the stack, and place that block on the top of the stack.  There´s plenty of rules to catch you out, and when your caught you have to take a shot of this concoction they whipped up behind the bar in a bucket, with about 7 different ingredients and plenty of potency.  If anyone thinks the block is too easy, you take a shot.  If you help someone else, you take a shot. If you use 2 hands, you take a shot. Etc.

So after much drinking and playing around, we hit the town with some locals for the second night in a row.  The place was just a regular club - clubs are all the same.  But there were some cool people there.  Kim was busy necking an American chick called Kara, who we´d met a few days prior.  We all had a fairly low opinion of Americans in general, but this chick is the bomb.  Great girl, good fun.

So Kim was busy, I had no idea where Casey was, and I found this really cute, sexy local Peruvian chick and talked with her for a half hour or so.  Finally, she had to go, so I stumbled drunkenly around in search of Kim & KC.  Eventually I ran into Kim & Kara, who said they´d been looking for KC but couldn´t find him.  Kara had asked the bouncers, who said they hadn´t kicked anyone out, so we eventually came to the conclusion he´d gone back to the hostel.  So we caught a cab.  So far, not so bad.

When I walked into the hostel, I saw Casey passed out against he wall.  He looked as drunk as I felt, which wasn´t surprising given the copious amount of alcohol we´d all consumed.  So I woke him up, and we all headed upstairs towards bed.  Talking to Casey, asking him how he was going, he says something along the lines of "Yeah, good.  I will need a just two or three stitches though. Who can give me stitches?"

Well, we are dumbfounded, all asking at once why he needs stitches.  Then he tilts his head back and shows us this big gash on the underside of his chin.  Turns out, he´d tripped over some girl and face-planted on the stairs!  No wonder he vanished.  Must have killed, even through the dulled drunken senses.  So he´s there trying to talk us into giving him stitches, which we clearly did not have the requisites for.

I´d well and truly hit the wall.  I was so tired and drunk, I actually passed out at about this point.  Felt so bad when I woke up this morning to tails of Kim & Kara taking Casey to the hospital, and watching the doctor give KC stitches.  Apparently, there were two operating tables in the room, but only one light.  The other guy in there was a car accident victim, who was in much worse shape than KC, so they actually grabbed a torch and did the stitches under the flash light.  Crazy shit!

So Kim was grumpy this morning, KC was comatose for the first half of the day, Kara had no sleep at all, and I was feeling a bit hung over, but actually not so bad.  I had plenty of laughs with other hostel folk about KC´s epic night, and watching him passed out with a hand down his pants.  We felt bad for him, of course, but it WAS quite funny.

We´ve had such a blast during our time so far, and actually have had a pretty good run (except for the above!)  Its quite difficult to find enough time to write up any stories about what we´ve been doing.  The keyboards are often terrible (like this one - I´m just persevering) most don´t have burners, some should be in a museum and definitely NOT be running  WinXP, and some don´t have USB access.  That part sucks coz it means I never get to upload photos.  Got so many I want to upload for you all to see.  We´ve been in some amazing environments, seen incredible scenery, met an absolute myriad of fun and interesting people, and partied like we invented it.  We´re definitely holding up the Aussie reputation for partying and drinking.  Everyone seems seriously impressed with our talents in those regards.  It has been so awesome.

Miss you all, but having an absolute blast.  Hope all is well for you, healthy, happy and having a good time.  I look forward to sharing beers and stories with you all in late November through January, prior to my next trip through Asia, Europe, and maybe Central America.

I´m still thinking 3 months starting Jan/Feb in Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, India, Nepal, China, Japan - SO much in only 3 months) then into Europe.  Probably spend more time in the expensive European/British/Scandinavian countries earlier in the year (April - June), then spend July/August in the cheaper eastern European countries.  I´m planning on being there until at least October, but I´ll get a British working visa just in case.  They only offer the 6-months-in-a-2-year-period-working-visa until the age of 30, so I´m unlikely to make it back to use it after next year anyway - might as well just get it and see if I feel like hanging around and working or just heading home.

Will be interesting to see what I do then.  But I am very tempted to also travel from Mexico through to Colombia then down through Brazil to Argentina, which we´re sadly missing on this trip.  I always knew travelling would be addictive, coz everyone always says it, but it suits me so well, I´m quite amazed.  Still, missing friends and family for so long would suck.  Meh? Wait and see.

Next we are off to Nazca to see the Nazca Lines - hopefully sky dive above them.  That would be so awesome!  If you don´t know what they are, Google it, coz they´re supposed to be amazing.  Then we´ll hit the Oasis at Huacachina for some dune boarding on the way through to Lima for a couple of days to sort out Casey´s passport issues and so I can catch up with Kelly, a Peruvian chick from Lima that I met back in La Paz, Bolivia.  Should be good to hit the town in Lima with a local.  Then we head further north towards Ecuador for the Amazon jungle & north Colombia for the Caribbean beaches and the Lost City trek, which is the ruins of a city only found 20 years ago, with treks only being run in the last 10 years or so.  Should be awesome.  It´s 4 days of Indiana Jones style jungle trekking to overgrown pyramid ruins.  Then back through Lima to Cuzco for the authentic 4 day Inca Trail trek, prior to our return to Melbourne.

This has been a good session on the internet, but I´m seriously sick of this stool and the sun being too warm on me through the window, so I´m gonna take off now.  After all this, I´ve still barely touched on the experience we´ve been having, but that will just give me more stories to tell you all when I get back.




Hola caballeros!

Sounds like you're having a great time, despite the slight unfortunate mixes with fate mingled in the story.

You can tell me the NSFW versions of all these stories when you get back!

More pictures?


  Boyd Oct 12, 2008 4:34 PM


Woh.... that's all I have to say... Woh....

  Cameron Oct 12, 2008 8:47 PM



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