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drifting_with_dervla Are We There Yet?

Aku Sayang Saya Hidup!

INDONESIA | Friday, 25 Jul 2008 | Views [606]

Wow! I cannot believe that it has been a week already since I last logged in. Feels like a lifetime with all the small adventures and projects I've managed to squeeze in. I spent most of Friday biking around and ended up at the local harbour, ... Read more >

Smooth Sailing in Sanur!

INDONESIA | Friday, 18 Jul 2008 | Views [262]

Halo, Halo Merekan ! Guess it is time to update again! So much has happened since the last post but due to limited computer access, I haven't been able to check emails and all that jazz until tonight! I guess I should pick up with Tuesday, which ... Read more >

Denpasar or Bust!

INDONESIA | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Views [248]

Finally getting around to posting about the journey thus far. Taiwan and Singapore were beautiful... let alone ridiculously clean! in Singapore it's illegal to chew gum so i was nervous about having any even though i really wanted some to help ... Read more >

My First Blog!

USA | Friday, 30 May 2008 | Views [292]

I've decided to set up a blog to easily relay info/pictures to all my friends and family whilst overseas. And as this is my first stab at attempting to keep such a detailed daily record, bear with me! As most of you know, I have decided to return ... Read more >

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