Easy Riders Experience
VIETNAM | Thursday, 25 December 2008 | Views [554]
The next four days which will turn into 8 days I spent on the back of one of the Easy Riders of Vietnam Nha Trang group motorcycle. These are a group of guys on motorcycles who take farangs into the back areas of “Real Vietnam”. The easy riders started with one American guy who offered to take some travels on his bike for free. He got together with some locals showed them how to ride. From this a group was formed. They will take you from the very far north all the way down to the south of Vietnam. The entire time while riding you are in the back roads enjoying what they constantly remind you is “Real Vietnam”, which it really was. The guys were always saying slowly slowly and from that I really have learned to slow down and for that I am truly thankful. They would also say thinks like easy peasy Vietnameasy…or no worry chicken curry…they really made us slow down look around really see what is in front of us. Take the time to really smell feel hear see our surroundings. While on this journey, I have to say it was a nice feeling not being able to get online and check things since we were never in touristy places so almost all the time there were no internet café. All you could be was truly in the moment. I did not journal for you, as much it was more a personal peaceful time for me. I had much time to think take in my surrounding and just really breathe. Each of the next sections will be broken up into the how we traveled from town to town, describing what we saw or did on the way. Enjoy…because I surely did!
Here is the list of drivers and riders
Vanessa = Son
Maud = Hui
Joc = Dreung
Lynne = Chin
Dre = Dahn