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Living in Eden ipam Phake is a Buddhist village in a very remote area of eastern Assam, India.They came to Assam in 1850 from Thailand.Now though they feel proud to be an Assamese, still they use their own language & culture.All the people are very friendly & helpful.I

My Photo scholarship 2010 entry

Worldwide | Monday, September 20, 2010 | 5 photos

With these photographs I have tried to depict day to day life of a village namely Tipam Phake which is situated at a very remote corner of eastern Assam, India.All the villagers are Buddhist & they call came to this part of India a very long time ago, in 1850.When I asked them about their origin , they informed me that all they came from Thailand.They use their own language & culture though now they feel proud to be an Assamese.I had taken these photographs during my week long stay in their village.

About me : I am completely novice in photography & have no formal training about it. I bought my first camera just three months back.From my very childhood, the world of photography fascinates me & I always dream to be a professional photographer.But sadly, in my place, where i was born & grew up, taking photography as a profession seems to be taboo & no body encouraged it.Everybody in my family & relatives think that photography is all about past time activity & can never be a regular profession. That is the reason why I had to take my camera so lately though I have been into it since my childhood.
Since I have no training about photography, I rely on internet to learn about it. I visit different sites & try to gather knowledge about it.One day I just came to know about this contest & after going through it, I felt that it would be a golden opportunity for me if I could make it happen.It will fulfill my long cherished dream of becoming a professional photographer as well as I also able to get the training from a world renowned photographer.
As I always consider myself as a very adventurous & I really enjoy traveling, if by going through this training i can be a travel photographer, that will be like dream come true for me.

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