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Tales from the Rugby World Cup

United Kingdom

There are [45] photos and [14] stories about United Kingdom

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Photos: Otago/Southland

Monday, 31 Oct 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Oct. 28th - The” Awesome” South Island

Friday, 28 Oct 2011 | Views [437]

                We left Auckland Wednesday morning Oct. 26 th and flew to Christchurch. We   stayed in the home of Kate & Stuart who are relatives of a good friend from when we lived in London. Their home is in the “Orange Zone” which means ... Read more >

Sept. 28 - More Rugby, Golf, & Highlights of a Busy Week

Wednesday, 28 Sep 2011 | Views [674]

September 22 nd : Taking the cable car up to the observatory and a pleasant stroll on a cold but sunny morning through the botanical gardens, meandering through the highway bisected cemetery back to Wellington. September 23 rd : Driving from the ... Read more >

Tags: england, namibia, new plymouth, oponake, romania, rugby world cup, wales

Frosty First Day of Kiwi Spring

Wednesday, 21 Sep 2011 | Views [720]

Frosty First Day of Kiwi Spring                 Departing Napier on a cold, blustery, rainy day, we decided to while away a couple hours touring the Hastings wineries. One tasting led to another and before we knew it our credit card was a few ... Read more >

Tags: dannevirke, martinborough, napier, rugby world cup, vineyards, wine

Rugby, Rugby and More Rugby!

Monday, 19 Sep 2011 | Views [883]

Sept. 19 th – We’re sitting in the campsite in Napier waiting for the laundry to dry and enjoying a little sunshine and space as the French caravans have pulled out after their 46-19 win over a valiant Canadian side. Sensory Experiences of Last ... Read more >

Sept. 13 - Wind & Rain Not Yet Dampening Our Spirits

Tuesday, 13 Sep 2011 | Views [365]

                On Monday morning we said farewell to our friends Huw and Celia and set off on our journey to New Plymouth around 300 miles northwest of Wellington. We were aiming to get as far as Wanganui on Monday night and finish off the journey ... Read more >

Photos: New Zealand Travels

Tuesday, 13 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: New Plymouth

Tuesday, 13 Sep 2011 | Photo Gallery

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Sept. 11th - Game Day

Monday, 12 Sep 2011 | Views [511]

Sept. 11th - At noon we eagerly caught the bus from outside the campsite into Wellington and were seated in front of the big screen tv in Molly Malone’s pub 2 hours before Australia v Italy kick-off. 5 Senses of the Day Taste: Beef & Guinness ... Read more >

Tags: springboks, wales, wellington

Sept. 9 - Rotorua to Wellington

Saturday, 10 Sep 2011 | Views [709]

Sept. 9 – Rotorua to Wellington (Sept. 8 th & 9 th ) Pushed for time to get to Wellington to watch the opening ceremony and first rugby world cup match (New Zealand vs. Tonga) on the big screen tv at the Fanzone in Wellington we hauled camper ... Read more >

Tags: new zealand, rugby world cup, taupo, tokaanu, turangi

Sept. 7th & 8th- Rotorua & a Maori Experience

Friday, 9 Sep 2011 | Views [627]

Rotorua is an adrenaline junkies paradise. Fortunately for Carolyn and me we didn’t have to skydive, bungy jump, whitewater raft, roll in the Zorb, or jetboat rapids to enjoy the area. Our best five sensory experiences – Taste – Best fish &... Read more >

15 Days, 15 Hours, 15 Minutes to Go

Thursday, 25 Aug 2011 | Views [737] | Comments [1]

I just clicked off of the International Rugby Boards World Cup website and the countdown to kick-off for the first match was 15 days, 15 hours, and 15 minutes. The excitement is building!! Certainly part of every conversation I have these days includes ... Read more >

Tags: new zealand, rugby world cup, south island

5 Glorious Sensations from London

Friday, 5 Aug 2011 | Views [633]

We spent 4 days in London mostly eating and going to the theatre. Here are our favorite sensory experiences. Taste: English cuisine is very maligned and our top taste considerations (although enjoyed in London) fall largely outside what one would ... Read more >

Tags: butley, clerkenwell, lion king, london

Intrepid New Zealand Explorers Begin in Whitby

Wednesday, 27 Jul 2011 | Views [770]

Today (July 26th, 2011) we wandered the streets and fish & chip restaurants of Whitby. We are sure this was much as Captain James Cook did some 243 years ago before he set off on HMS Bark Endeavor to track the course of Venus across the sun ... Read more >

Tags: captain james cook, england, new zealand, rugby world cup, whitby



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