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Gallery: Saigon

VIETNAM | Sunday, 24 Dec 2006 | Photo Gallery

Sights & Trouble
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Gallery: Nha Trang

VIETNAM | Sunday, 24 Dec 2006 | Photo Gallery

Beach !
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Saigon 2 - The End

VIETNAM | Sunday, 24 Dec 2006 | Views [2056] | Comments [1]

So it was our last day in Vietnam, in South East Asia. We had some money left and went shopping to spend every last bit (it would go a lot further in Vietnam than in England), had a HUMONGOUS meal and got everything ready for the trip to the airport.... Read more >

Tags: Scams & Robberies

Saigon 1

VIETNAM | Sunday, 24 Dec 2006 | Views [1603]

Another early arrival. This time we thought we'd take our time about finding a hotel. Now loaded down with luggage (presents, suits and more!) we wandered around the backpacker area of Saigon for ages, with the idea of finding somewhere nice for our ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Nha Trang

VIETNAM | Sunday, 24 Dec 2006 | Views [1412]

We arrived in Nha Trang at 6 in the morning. Gary had been on the sleeping pills so wasn't as groggy as usual, although got a bit tetchy when the tour operator got a bit too close! He greeted us with 'Good morning!' and 'Congratulations! The Typhoon ... Read more >

Tags: Beaches & sunshine

Hoi An

VIETNAM | Saturday, 9 Dec 2006 | Views [1343] | Comments [2]

Well Hoi An definitely proved to be a recovery spot for us and we stayed for 8 days in the end, we did a lot of sleeping, a lot of shopping and made some important decisions. We arrived at around 7pm and as we got off the bus we were instantly sorrounded ... Read more >

Tags: Shopping

Halong Bay

VIETNAM | Friday, 1 Dec 2006 | Views [1365] | Comments [1]

After our night on the town in 'New Century Club' it's not surprising that we woke up late for our trip to Halong Bay - Very late! In fact our wonderful tour agent, Tom, was banging on the door, 'Wake up! Wake up! Halong Bay! Halong Bay!' we had twenty ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Gallery: Hoi An

VIETNAM | Friday, 1 Dec 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Halong Bay

VIETNAM | Thursday, 30 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

World Heritage Site
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Gallery: Hanoi

VIETNAM | Thursday, 30 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

Hustle & Bustle
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VIETNAM | Thursday, 30 Nov 2006 | Views [5830] | Comments [4]

I know we've complained about bus journeys before but this one took the biscuit!  Admittedly it was famous for being a horrific, 24 hour slog but it was definitely worse for us as you'll discover!... We got dropped off at the bus station ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Gallery: Mong Ngoi trek

LAOS | Thursday, 16 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Mong Ngoi

LAOS | Thursday, 16 Nov 2006 | Views [1737]

They say flattery will get you everywhere. We think that in this case it's true. We arrived in Luang Prubang with the intention to settle down for a week and enjoy the UNESCO world heritage city. On first arrival it seemed very beautiful with temples ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Vang Vieng

LAOS | Wednesday, 8 Nov 2006 | Views [2972] | Comments [3]

Whenever we spoke to other travellers about Vang Vieng, we always got the same reply, ‘Oh, everyone goes there… it’s so touristy… there’s more falang (foreigners) there than locals’ (sounds like Dubai!). In the guide book it was a similar opinion. We ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Gallery: Vang Vieng

LAOS | Wednesday, 8 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

Beautiful Landscapes
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Overnight Train - Vientiane

LAOS | Thursday, 2 Nov 2006 | Views [1270] | Comments [2]

I don't think either of us were looking forward to the long journey planned for the 30th of October. It would take us first from Kanchunaburi to Bangkok then north through Thailand by train to arrive the next morning at the border town of Nong Khai, ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: Vientiane

LAOS | Thursday, 2 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Overnight Train

THAILAND | Thursday, 2 Nov 2006 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: kanchanaburi 2

THAILAND | Sunday, 29 Oct 2006 | Photo Gallery

beautiful sights
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Kanchanburi Part 2

THAILAND | Sunday, 29 Oct 2006 | Views [857] | Comments [2]

We're still alive and kicking (each other! Hahaha) For all it's faults (a bit overly touristy, possible sewage contamination in the water, mangey dogs and the fact our room hasn't been cleaned) Kanchanaburi really is a charming and beautiful place. We've ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

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About deena_and_gary

Deena Gary Charlie and Dax in the garden in Colchester, Essex

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