For the past 4 weeks we have been travelling the interstates of the USA from LA to Florida. What a ride!
Have seen some awesome sights, and met some really friendly people. We have been camping most of the way so were able to tap into a part of the RV culture here in the States. So when I said we have met some really friendly people it has mainly been Americans over the age of 50 who have sold the house, bought the RV and are now enjoying life on the road. Just to add though - tent camping here is expensive!!!
I really don't know where to begin as there has been too much road covered. It felt like a lot of the sightseeing we were doing was from the car window as we drove from picture perfect red desert in Arizona to the swampy green patches in Louisiana. Yet, we still managed to stop off and do the normal tourist stuff. At one stage it felt like we were on a 'visiting dead people' tour - JFK Memorial in Dallas to Elvis at Graceland, onto Martin Luther King Jnr in Memphis (awesome Civil Rights Museum, by the way) then to the grave of the Voodoo Queen of New Orleans!!!!
I was presumming that I would blend in more here. Travelling in Thailand and Japan it is pretty obvious that I'm not local! However, travelling in the south parts of USA I lost count of the times I got asked, "Y'all not from round ere r ya?" I've been asked if I was Thai?? I have even been asked what language we speak down in Australia. So, it has been interesting!
I won't write much more - I don't know where to begin. However I will leave you with my top ROAD TRIP list so far:
Favorite State: Arizona
Favorite City: Memphis
Best Food: Dixie Diner, Texakarna (Border of Texas and Arkansas)
Best RV Campground: Travelers World RV Park, San Antonio Texas
Best chill out spot: Toss up between Barton Springs in Austin Texas OR Big Lagoon National Park, Pensacola Florida
Best bar: White Elephant Saloon, Fort Worth Stockyards Texas
Best Street: Beale Street, Memphis
Best tour/event: Jazzfest, New Orleans
.....gee the more I sit here the more this list could continue.
And there is still a month and a half left here in the USA...there really is so much to see and do in this country.
Our first reunion is coming up in just a couple of days too. I can't believe as I sit here I am only 6-7 hours away from the Spaid - Ishida's!!! Can't wait to see you guys.