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There are [0] photos and [2] stories about Worldwide

Photos: People

Friday, 18 Feb 2011 | Photo Gallery

Beautiful People. New Zealanders, British, Australians, South Africans,Thai, Canadian, Zimbabwean, Asian, Chilian, Malaysian, Italian,Irish, Scotish, Marroccan, Hungarian, Guerns, Slovakian, and ive only just begun....theses are all amazing people ive ... Read more >
See all 102 photos >>

Tags: asian, australians, beautiful people. new zealanders, british, canadian, chilian, italian, south africans, thai, zimbabwean

My Travel Writing Scholarship 2011 entry - My Big Adventure

Monday, 14 Feb 2011 | Views [489] | Scholarship Entry

It's June and almost three months into our journey through the outback of Australia. The heat glistens on our bronzed skin, beads of sweat roll down our cheeks like tear drops. We stare at the sea lapping at our feet, questioning whether the object in ... Read more >

Tags: #2011writing, travel writing scholarship 2011



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