Getting here was the only problem we encountered all week. His flights were delayed and delayed and delayed. Nicole and I went to the airport at 8 in the morning on saturday to see her boyfriend off. We got there around 10, and figured we had about 12 hours to kill until adams plane came in. We took a taxi to the movies and did everything possible that you could do in the airport trying not to be bored. Then adam's flights kept getting deplayed. We were going insanes, and the airport didnt have any seats, its all cement. we ended up laying on the floor on the airport curled up bc it was so cold. she ended up getting on a bus to puebla at 2 in the morn, but i was there until 530 when adam got in! i was crazy by that time, but it was all better when he finally got here =) we went to puebla and got to the hotel, which was situated in the coolest place overlooking a little market (the market that was on Mimi's postcard). and we ony slept for about 3 hours bc we didnt wanna waste the day. we explored puebla and ate tacos arabes and went to el centro. The rest of the week we visited the ruins in cholula and walked through the pyramid, ate with my host family, went to the movies with nicole, hung out at our favorite bar, and went to school. Then we went to Vera Cruz on Wednesday and we stayed in a really cute hotel. The pool was awesome and we were right on the beach. AND it was air conditioned...the first air conditioning i have been in since ive been was wonderful! We just hung out at the beach and the pool and went to eat in vera cruz. it was really nice. We took a bus to mexico city at 1100 on friday night and then just hung out at the airport until his plane left. I felt like i lived in that airport. It was a reallllllly great week =)