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And they're off..... Who's up for a little trip....

Our eye opening welcome to thailand...

THAILAND | Friday, 19 June 2009 | Views [299]

I's 6am and we are finally here, a little tired, a little overwhelmed but excited about the start of the trip!

Getting through customs was nothing - we simply walked straight thru... Dan wasn't quite this lucky leaving Australia as customs selected him for a bomb scan at Brissy airport...(And he hasn't even grown a beard yet!)

We found that getting around in Thailand is a little different to back home - here it seems seat belts, speed limits and indicating or traveling in your lane are optional... I will never complain about Aussie drivers again!

We caught a taxi into Bbangkok city - as it turns out we were dropped off about 7kms from the city centre in what can only be described as an eye opening third world experience. We were happy to see lots of nice dogs, questionable about whether they were aseleep or permanently sleeping but the city is a sewer! With packs and all, we set off and did not see a western person for what seemed hours..

We spent the day walking around the city getting a feel for Thailand.. Experiencing the fine cuisine - MacDonalds for lunch followed by Donut king for afternoon tea..

The highlight of our day in Bangkok was returning to Bangkok airport to wait for our flight to Phuket!

We boarded at 4.30pm and as you can imagine by this stage we were pretty exhausted.. The 1hr 20min flight felt like 10mins and we were there.. Our taxi and local populous didn't have a clue where our hotel was located but after 20mins of walking around, we found the Phuttasa and slept for the next 12hrs in prep for day 2!

A near miss in Bangkok

A near miss in Bangkok



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