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World Cycle Tour

Our world cycle tour!

CANADA | Saturday, 1 October 2016 | Views [683]

My name is Kelly, and I decided earlier this year to quit my job and head off on a bicycle to explore the world. How did this come about? Well, it was actually my boyfriend that planted the seed for our cycle tour. One day he mentioned how he always wanted to cycle across Turkey. Initially, I thought he was mad, but as I thought about it more and more, I started to realise that long distance bicycle travel could be awesome! We started to discuss cycling across Canada. Lot’s of people do it. The roads seemed to be quite good. And, we wanted to go to Canada to work a couple of seasons, so it seemed to be the most logical place to try a cycle trip. Eventually, the idea for our world cycle tour evolved. 

Asides from bicycle touring being an awesome way to travel, it is also a sustainable and eco friendly way to travel. Sustainable travel has always been an interest to me. To have a minimal negative impact on the world is something that I strive to.

I’ve discovered that bicycle tourism is one of the most sustainable forms of travel. It is also a great way to explore the world, have unique travel experiences and get a feel for the real culture of a place. I’m hoping that by sharing our stories, tips and advice, we can inspire others to give cycle touring a try, even if it’s only for the weekend or even just a day. Exploring by bicycle definitely is something worth trying. It’s about the journey, not just the destination! It’s sometimes easy to forget this when backpacking or going on holiday for a couple of weeks. But, the journey is where it all really happens. 

Still not convinced? Well you can always check out these cycling touring tips for beginners

I've also included a video to give you an insight into the world of cycle touring. This video is a day in a life of a cycle tourist on the silk road in Kazahkstan (so, slightly more challenging than Canada, but still an amazing experience).

If you have any comments or questions about cycle touring, then get in touch!

Tags: bicycle travel, cycle touring, world cycle tour

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