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There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "rio".

Spin Rocinha: How a DJ School is Empowering a Rio Favela

BRAZIL | Monday, 6 Jan 2014 | Views [6450] | Comments [1] | Video

Rocinha is the largest favela in Brazil with over 250,000 inhabitants and is located in Rio de Janeiro's South Zone between the districts of São Conrado and Gávea. Unlike its wealthy neighbouring districts, Rocinha has experienced decades ... Read more >

Tags: brazil, dj, education, favela, music, rio, rocinha, travel, youth

Deep Inside Rocinha: A Rio Favela Story

BRAZIL | Friday, 27 Sep 2013 | Views [5770] | Video

Going to Rio de Janerio for many people means a non-stop party, and while I had a great time of getting amongst the infectious atmosphere of Carnaval, I wanted to discover the other side of Rio that laid up the mountain, inside the Rocinha favela. ... Read more >

Tags: assignment, beaches, brazil, carnaval, culture, festival, film, filmmaking, rio, travel

Pedra do Sal, Birthplace of Samba

BRAZIL | Tuesday, 6 Aug 2013 | Views [4289] | Video

In February 2013, I had the absolute pleasure of travelling to Rio for Carnivale with the winners of World Nomads Travel Film Scholarship . Not only was it a great opportunity to mentor two young aspiring filmmakers, it also gave me the chance to indulge ... Read more >

Tags: brazil, pedro do sal, rio, rio music, rio travel, samba, samba music, world nomads

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