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The Coconuts Trekking Adventures A journey of discovery for two grey nomads

The Coconuts go a hiking

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 29 December 2007 | Views [661] | Comments [10]

Hi there and welcome to the pre trip planning stage of our epic journey around the world. Two 50+ backpackers plan to hike through India, Nepal,onto Europe, England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland.

Only 12 wks to go before we head off from Perth, Western Australia on the 27 March. We fly into Singapore just for the day before heading for South India at Chennai. After a couple of days at Chennai we are taking the 27 1/2 hr train to Kolkata, where will be closer to our trek start.

From there we are going through New Jaipalguri to Darjeeling on the Himalaya Railway

Tags: The Planning Phase




the other 'coconut' would like it be known that it was he who introduced Martin to the wonderful life of bushwalking/trekking. Since then to the amzement and astonishment of many others Martin has incredibly accepted bushwalking and a very healthy pusuit. he joined me for the first week of a four week 500 trek along the Bibbulmun track. (Blistered feet and all he kept plodding on). 'just aren't you looking great martin' is a frequent comment heard by many of his female nursing colleagues. His male colleagues just stand back and growel..'what is that plonker after'. Hopefully when I supply the necessary photographic material Martin will allow visial evidence of the secound cocunut on his webspace.
We are lloking forward greatly to the Singalia trek with great anticipation. We are great friends, it will be a blast full of great humour...Janet and Rowan, will just have to suffer the 2 coconuts.
Ciao Robin.

  Robin Jan 24, 2008 9:06 PM


What a load of bollocks!

  coconuts Jan 24, 2008 10:40 PM


OK OK the spelling was bad. However I have advised coconut number 2 that there are to many photographs posted on his site. I mean...how many pictures of bridges does one want to look at?
Ciao Robin AKA coconut number 1.

  robin Jan 25, 2008 4:20 AM


Who's site is this anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ok, Ok , so there are a few extra photos of bridges!! Would you like to trawl through 330 photos to upload if it was YOUR WEB SITE !!
WHICH IT IS NOT!~!!!!!!$%$##@@#$#$%^

  coconuts Jan 25, 2008 4:25 AM


Boys, Boys, cease the anal bickering, and enjoy the view. PS Robin, your spelling is crap

  viv Jan 25, 2008 4:39 AM


One can only give praise that Martin has removed some excess bridge photo's from the site.
Anyway in preparation for the trek...Martin, how many pairs of thermal underwear have you purchased from Ebay?

  Robin Jan 26, 2008 8:00 AM


Your preoccupation with my underwear is a bit worrying!
None as yet, and I am only taking the one pair. Did give the good sammy stores in Tassi a good thrashing though. The bargain basement 2nd hand underwear is always a good cheap buy, especially on 1/2 price Tuesdays. Most of the stains come out with napisan

  Coconut no. 2 Jan 26, 2008 1:13 PM


I hope the dialogue and spelling get better as you travel.

  An observer or voyeur! Jan 27, 2008 2:41 PM


Martin,I must say that the photo of you with mankini in situ sent shivers down my spine. Pleasure? Pain? or a mixture of both. I'm sure the Nepalese will crown you as the new Borat, as you stride over the Himalayas

  Viv Feb 14, 2008 12:17 AM


Hi coconuts, glad you are having a great time, enjoy the curries and the wonderful sights of India!! Im jealous.........

  coconuts Apr 12, 2008 3:12 AM



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