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What it Means to be Pittsburghese

USA | Monday, 29 August 2011 | Views [380]

Yinz want to know what it's like to be a Pittsburgher?  Well, we can start right there...yinz.

As much as I'd like to say I'm not a Yinzer, whenever I speak to an outsider about the slang we made up here in the 'Burgh, I realize that I use the words regularly.  For example, step one of being a Yinzer requires the usage of these several words:

1. Buggy (shopping cart)

2. Slippy (slippery)

3. Gumband (rubber band)

4. Pop (soda)

5. Sweep (vacuum)

6. Yinz (you guys)

For instance, a suitable sentence that will solidify your identity as a Pittsburgher could be:

I was walking through the slippy parking lot with my buggy full of pop and gumbands.

Of course, you have to add the twang we Pittsburghers put on certain vowels.  Downtown becomes dahntahn and the Southside becomes Sathside.  Do not correct a born and raised Yinzer when they speak this way...I'm warning you now.  We are an angry people.

Speaking of anger, nothing angers us more than those damn Cleveland Browns.  More people in these parts know more Steeler players and their stats than they know their local Congressmen and women.  If Ben Roethlisberger were running for local office, maybe the roles would be reversed.  However, as of now, the Steelers (in Pittsburghese, it's Stillers) run this town (tahn- you getting the hang of it?) and don't even try to change it.  You will be slapped in the face with a piece of jumbo (that's what we call bologne).

There really is no rhyme or reason to our lingo or our ways, but I guess that's what makes us who we are.  Our blood runs black and gold and we put fries and ranch dressing on everything.  If you don't like it, yinz can get out (aht)!

Tags: #blogyourbackyard

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