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CHINA | Monday, 27 August 2007 | Views [838] | Comments [5]

Ok, so we take the taxi to the Macau/Zhouhai border. No sweat. As soon as we hop outta the taxi, we are beset by a very demanding porter, who insist he takes our luggage for him. This dude is at least 120 years old. Of course, such a service is not free of charge, so we say no, which leaves us to negotiate through Macau immigration (or is it emigration? Hmm...), through some indeterminable line which separates China from Macau, then into Chinese immigration. No probs so far.

Next, we step out into this massive courtyard and officially commence our journey into China. Which is to say, we take no more than five steps before we are (literally!) besieged by porters and taxi solicitations. The instructions we were given in Macau by one of our friends there were that we should go to some department store building, take two flights of escalators down, then catch a cab from the lowest level. BUT Lindsay's luggage weighed a tonne, and my own luggage was giving me blisters by this stage, so we pressed on through the throng of taxi dudes and kept on going.

Mistake #1: Succumbing to a taxi dude

We were almost at the end of the courtyard when a reasonable-looking taxi dude asked us if we wanted a taxi. He looked legit (big mistake), so I said sure, why not? So this guy grabs my bag (mistake for the taxi dude... one point for us) and heads off in a direction that is contrary to our instructions. Wait here, he says, although I say to Lindsay, if the vehicle this guy gets is not a taxi, we split. Sure enough, an old VW pulls up - no taxi flag, no sign, no nothing, i.e. no way.

So me and Linds trundle off in the direction we were originally heading, but poor Linds is struggling with the heat now (oh boy, it was HOOO-OOT. Wait that looks like hoot. It's supposed to be an emphasised "HOT". You get the picture). A fair way along, and we hadn't reached the promised department store - instead we were at some hotel-thing that was merged with an upscale flea market. This is where a kindly bell-hop decided to champion our cause to find a taxi.

(Oh yeah, speaking of fleas, I forgot to mention the taxi dudes along the way. There were approx. six of them, all jumping up and down, yelling at us with the only English word they seemed to (read: pretended to) know: "Taxi!". Sorry for this intermission, but it's pretty hilarious on it's own... the best bit was where this one shrimpy old taxi dude pointed at his delapidated jalopy, and said (guess what) "Taxi?", and we replied "no, that's a car," whereupon all his competitors started shouting "No taxi! Car! Car! We taxi! He car!" i.e. he's just a car, but we're legitimate, you see...)

Back to the bell-hop. This is where I made mistake number 2.

Mistake #2: Negotiating with a taxi dude.

So while the bell-hop is going to the right place to find us an official taxi (not one official-looking taxi drove past us during this whole period, which led me to believing that official taxis did not exist in China - a very wrong assumption, I was to discover), up comes yet another flea, holding his mobile phone. "Zhuhai aeraerrahaaer?" he says. This apparently means Zhuhai Airport. "Yes," I reply. He points at his mobile phone, which reads "200". This means he wants 200yuan for the ride (it's about $25USD, not bad for an hour's journey, but when you don't know what the official rate is, this could well be an absolute rip). So I grab his mobile phone off him (who's the boss now, buddy?) and type in "120". "Aiyaheraiyurabutan" this guy utters. "180" he types in. So I put in "160". He enters "170". Deal.

Mistake #3: Reaching a deal

Okay so now is when the bell-hop turns up. "Azerwhachabanuba?" he says. "Yes," I reply. There doesn't appear to be a taxi in sight, but one is probably on it's way. An official one at that. However, in steps the dude whom I have now (apparently) reached a deal with. "Whazzaerchierupewhanashui!" he says to the bell-hop. The bell-hop then looks back at me and says "Basherrupeni?" I do believe this translates to "Are you an idiot? You are paying 170yuan for a ride that should cost you less than 10yuan?" I (of course) reply "Yes."

So this van pulls up, which is apparently our over-priced ride to Zhuhai airport. We are helped into the van, and I'm not feeling too happy with this right now. Too bad. We climb into the van, and the driver goes about 300m round a corner and stops. "Amitabhbacchan" he says.  I say "Why have you stopped, driver?" but he doesn't reply, and instead, hops out.  Uh oh.  Another cantankerous mini-van has pulled up next to ours.  The driver of this new van hops out, and beckons us to disembark.  Heck, what choice do we have?  So we do, and our luggage (all of it, I make sure) gets shunted into this new van.  I have no idea why.  It may be that our original driver was wanted by Zhuhai Airport security.

And now we were off!  The new driver is pretty young, and quite conversational.  The highlight of our conversation was when he turns to me and says "Rickbathosseiniulanbataar?", to which I replied "Yes.  No".  He then said "Yesno?"  I say "yesno" in return.  This game of yesno ping-pong lasts five minutes.  However, all the signs that we drive past indicate that we are on the way to Zhuhai airport.  Woot.

So I reluctantly part with the 170yuan, and we are dropped off at the rather nice Zhuhai airport.  This place is pretty flash man, makes Nadi airport look like an outback cantina, and there certainly ain't no comparing Whangarei airport!  And what's best is that the place is almost completely empty!

Btw, are you still reading?  If so, awesome!  How come nobody leaves any comments??  Leave a comment!  Pllleease, it makes me feel popular!!!  I'll continue this story in the next post, coz I'm hungry now and me and Linds are gonna find something to eat.  We're in Chengdu now, so there's still more story to tell!  Stay tuned.

Pies tip of the day:  Going overseas?  Don't pack ANYTHING.  Just dump everything you own into the nearest garbage tip, and travel as light as possible - nude, if you can manage it.  Excess luggage is a pain in the BACKSIDE.

Tags: Adventures



Your (Humble?) Eminence,
It's been great to read the experiences you have posted so far, keep them going! I'm guessing your former servants are missing you terribly and look forward as much as I have into following your journeys. Just the other day I'm sure I saw Dr Love weeping over your shrine - hmm maybe it's the extra strong cigs he's been puffing on since you've left?
I'm trying to get on-line services to put an link on the intranet - no luck so far.
Not much happening, hence the regular check to your blog to pass some time.
Hope this little tid-bit boosts the ego. Enjoy the stories! LOL at the pictures and explanations.
Any specky rocks to look at?
Dr Rocks

  Dr Rocks Aug 29, 2007 6:22 AM


Yo Mr P,
Good to read all about your latest adventures..guess we can look forward to 'China Pies' being a chain of bakeries across the country within a few years....specialising in custard tarts...
All at WDC is well....The Grundy is sick today....crook shoulder....claims it's osteo-arthritis...but we all know the real reason....OOS from all the time he spends on his PC at home!!!.
Mayor/Councillor nominations all in now....no real surprises...apart from Don Hedges standing for Mayor..and Wayne Peters for WDC council....along with most of the Northland rugby board on Stan's ticket...
so looks likely that we will have a new mayor....quickly followed by a new stadium...
Nothing much else happening...weather is shit...wet, cold and windy...keep writing man....and we will keep watching....your blog has been sent to all policy team...

  gazzab Aug 29, 2007 6:34 AM


AhLO Andy ah ;)

Welcome to the Chengdu city hor!
You are doing well! After all these colourful experiences, you and Lindsay are still plodding along with you head held high...and chin up ;)
Last couple of days your stories have been our source of entertainment!
We await for more and more...

huggies...kai malaysia

  sothie kai malaysia Aug 29, 2007 9:57 PM


Glad to hear you are just as entertaining in Blog as in Person as insane. Wow you are Sooo Popular DUDE !!! half the people in my apartment have read this !!! , well, ME
Look fwd to reading the next ones, but im hungry now , gotta go eat. Keep it up Bro,

  Barry Sep 1, 2007 12:52 AM


Tremendous read Lucasade! You must keep these and compile them into a book. Seriously. I am sitting here cracking up uncontrollably at your stories. Keep em coming.

  Trubble Sep 5, 2007 5:33 AM

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