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CHINA | Friday, 18 January 2008 | Views [986] | Comments [4]

Gawsh. Well, the last blog-related thing I did was move back to Worldnomads, which was last week. Since then I've dumped all my old bloggathons, and it's turned out whack coz I don't know why.

Anyhow. You're probably wondering about the title of this blog, right? Well, click on this and prepare for annoyance! Er, unless you work at the WDC in which case coz those useless dumb terminals they give you don't have sound or flash, so don't bother.

Well, dang near two weeks ago (!!!) 林月欣 and I went to check out some 大熊猫 at the 大熊猫 centre in norther - ah woops. Okay if you don't have Chinese fonts set up, all you gonna see is a bunch of weird boxes and shtuff. If you do have Chinese fonts installed, then you will still be screwed coz unless your 普通话 是 很好, 你不看这是写的. Anyhow, back to the 大熊猫.

Whee! Okay what the hell is that thing? Yes this was an actual photo taken by me and not from like National Geographic or Wikiopedia. You can tell I took the photo coz I waited for the panda to do something embarrassing, which is how I take all of my photographs, and not just with pandas either. So to prove it even further:

As you can see, that is me to the right. You can tell it's me from the size of my forehead, which grows larger with every passing day. In the background is a 大熊猫, yes a real live panda bear. And yes, it is eating bamboo. Somehow these dudes made bamboo seem so goshdarn tasty that I was awful tempted to try some myself. I didn't though, but one day I will.

So you're not too impressed so far, coz it's just one panda? Okay, try two.

How about three?

Geez, STILL not impressed?? Let's keep upping the numbers then, shall we!

Yes that's right, four.

WHAT? You saw four pandas on some nature prog last week> Well then, take THIS.


Waaaait a second, I hear you say. There's only five pluddy pandas in this photo! Where the flang is number six??? Well, look again, buddy.  Go up from the centre of the photo and then slightly to the right.  You will see an interesting fruit dangling from a tree there, above the playground.  A closer look at this so-called "fruit" reveals THIS...


This is actually stage two of panda-fruiting, known as "pillowing".  As the panda-flower unfurls, it goes into a more mature version known as "chillin", as demonstrated below.

Now, much of a pandas life is spent in the "chillin" phase.  It is either doing this:

Or it's doing this:

There is no variation between these forms of panda-fruit.  Er, with the exception of the first photo I showed you's all.

Well.  Impressed?  Good.  The next episode of "PandaMUSHROOM" will feature 3-month old panda cubs.  You will say "cuuuuuuuute!" so many times during this future episode that you will annoy your co-workers or co-inhabitors.  Be prepared.

Pies. Out.

Tags: Friends



Hi Pie
Happy New Year!! to you and your lady. Sorry forgot her name.
I have not been on your site for a while and it is nice to read about the pandas. Lovely photos.
I wish you all the best for 2008.
Here nothing changes...am looking forward my trip to France with Keith, in July.
Au revoir

  france Jan 20, 2008 1:45 PM


Yo Mr P. Nice to 'hear' from you at last. Love the Pics of the cutesy Panda's, reminds me of one or two peeps at this place! See from the 'evidential' photo that the luvly Linds is back with you. Hope all is going well over there for you guys and having lotsa fun, fitted in between the extensive workload...Ha Ha...All well in Whangers land...no real newsworthy titbits...Happy New Year to you both...Laters.

  gazzab Jan 22, 2008 9:06 AM


Hey Pies
Glad you are back. I missed your blogs. Was the highlight of my week! I love the pandas, especially the one panda, two panda, three panda.... thing you have going there.
Can't find you facebook. Did you know there are 119 Andrew Lucas's on facebook!!!!
Anyway, all the best for 2008. Keep up the blogging :-)

  Dianne Jan 23, 2008 6:19 PM


Its like full on re spawn or looking down from rat maze at a whole lot of likely targets. Amazing. I'm just chillin at the moment as have had all wisdom teeth removed and cant eat well cant eat well at the moment. Good to hear you are still alive and well.

  TLF Matilda Aug 7, 2008 8:24 AM

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