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Vis-a-vis avec les Chamois des Vosges

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Germany | Monday, July 1, 2013 | 5 photos

My name is Radomir Jakubowski, I'm 26 years old and a business student. I grew up in a little town near the border between Germany and France, and from early on I have loved to travel. Nature photography has become my big passion. I have been taking pictures since I was 15 years old. For me nature and nature photography is what I live for. It's the most amazing feeling to wake up in the sleeping bag, be outside and start the day, long before the sun rises. I have done a lot of photographic projects in the mountains of Europe, but also in Norway and other European countries. To me it's the greatest gift to be able to show people that there is something to protect, something beautiful, something amazing just in front of them, on their own doorstep. Over the past years, I have been focussing on animals, landscapes and plants. But I really wish to grow, to learn new things. I want to learn how to take pictures of people, so that I can convey something through my pictures. To convey what I am feeling and equally to show the culture of the people I shoot.

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