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Braais and things...

SOUTH AFRICA | Sunday, 1 August 2010 | Views [209]

Ahhhhh....I'm watching free worship on iBethel_TV (http://www.ibethel.tv/watch/805/sunday-night-worship/2010/07/18) Amazing...  Its a perfect end to a great day.  I went to a welcome lunch for newcomers after church this morning.  It was a lot of fun.  And what's more there were two South African couples there, one of whom did a fantastic job at the braai! (bbq for my non south africans)  Now THAT is a good day.  I've really been feeling the struggle with the transition over the last few days - missing good friends and familiar surroundings. Today was a good day of connecting.  Tuesday I fly over to Switzerland and Austria for two weeks.  YAY!  I've not been there since November 2008 so this is going to be fun. 



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