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From the window of the bus

About centralamericantales

As many have before me, I sat in awe, looking down at the temples of Tical, a monumental city who housed some of the very first astonomers of the human species. The precison of the architecture, so that at some points the clapping of the hands mimiked the sound of the Quetzal, Guatemala's national bird, was quite frankly breathtaking.

As many have before me, I sat in awe, looking down at the temples of Tical, a monumental city who housed some of the very first astonomers of the human species. The precison of the architecture, so that at some points the clapping of the hands mimiked the sound of the Quetzal, Guatemala's national bird, was quite frankly breathtaking.

I have always been "into nature". By the age of 6, I knew the name of every garden bird I could see from the window. Ever observant, I find the natural world a calming and magnificent influence which I wish so much we would learn faster how to protect. To me, mother nature is the greatest force and perhaps if we turned our eyes to the ground as much as we spend praying to the sky, some real acheivements could be made in making leaps to protect all that has been left vunerable by our lust for material goods.

Haha, do I sound like a hippy? I assure you I am not, although what constitutes a hippy these days? If it's someone who hugs trees, then perhaps I am! I find it easier than some to live without a lot of possesions, but if being a hippy means that I would prefer to wash my laundry by hand instead of using a machine, then a hippy I am not.

What else about me? I live my life treating others as I would treat myself- with respect and acceptance. I am from a green, leafy part of England on the Atlantic coast, a small town where many of my friends still live(perhaps an instigator in my need for adventure). I have met my soul mate and we live together in bliss. I love to scuba dive and know the names of over 60 Caribbean reef species. I am rich in friends but not in cash. I still have not found my calling in life and wonder if perhaps writing cathartically about my experiences out here in Central America may lead me down some other leafy garden path.. 

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