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Casie's World Adventure - The World is My Oyster!

Pre-Departure Anticipation!

USA | Saturday, 25 June 2011 | Views [449]

A little over 24 hours before I begin the journey of my life!  I'm having a lot of mixed feelings; its all so bitter-sweet!  On one hand, I'm going to be embarking on the most exciting adventure in my life.  A time where I am going to grow and really challenge myself.  On the other hand, I'm leaving behind family, friends and loved ones, as well as my job, my car, and any sense of stability I had!! Ha, no, really though; I know that if things don't work out, I am lucky to always have a home to come back to! :)

So the basics: what am I doing, where am I going, and WHY?  Well the short answer, is that I LOVE traveling the world and something inside of me is telling me that if I don't do it, I will forever regret it.  Its hard to explain; but everything that is happening now feels so right.  Its a major life change, but everything is falling into place, just as it should.  Everything about this trip is happening the way it is meant to happen; and the events that are yet to come are meant to come as they will.  My only real plans at the moment? Live life to the fullest!  I truly believe that whatever it is I am searching for, I am finally going to come to terms with it on this journey and find some inner peace. :)

Last summer when I was backpacking for nearly 6 weeks, I stayed at hostels the whole time. (Yes, you share a room with a bunch of strangers.  And yes, they have their ups and downs; but they are still amazing!!)  When I was thinking about where I wanted to begin my journey, for some reason Amsterdam stuck out the most.  No, it is not because of the marijuana, haha.  I think its because the city just has such a great feel to it; the canals are gorgeous in the summer, with the trees and the sun shining; the people are helpful, nice and open; and there is so much history and beauty within its reach!  And... I stayed at a Christian Youth Hostel last summer that hires travelers!  We met a girl working at the front desk who happened to be from Minnesota and works there every summer, so I'm sure that seed was planted in the back of my mind for later use, which happens to be now!

Anyway, to begin my journey, I will be landing in Amsterdam on Sunday the 26th and heading to the Shelter Jordan Christian Hostel (www.shelter.nl/theshelterjordan.php) where I will be staying for two nights before I begin my job as a cleaner there on the 28th! Perks of the position: Free room and board, 3 meals a day, Free Wi-fi, and free laundry service for 28 days! Not a bad gig, if I do say so myself! Which means I will be in Amsterdam until about July 26th! :)

Also, I have an interview Weds with a comedy club called Boom Chicago (www.boomchicago.nl) for a position on their promoting team, working approximately 5-10hours a week for some extra cash. Sweet!

Contact Info:

Skype Name: casie.gehrz (get it! Its free to talk over the internet!)

Cell Phone: +372 548 19698 (yes, there's an extra number and a plus sign; the extra number is because of its country code, the plus sign gets there when you press and hold the '0' key, you do need that! Also, I haven't gotten text messages to work yet; texting yet to come!)

Hostel:Shelter Jordan, Bloemstraat 179, 1016 LA Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Anyway, that is all for now! Next time I will be in Amsterdam!


Tags: amsterdam, boom chicago, hostel, shelter jordan

About casie

This is a picture I took the summer of 2010 while in Dresden, Germany.

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