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Curry in a Hurry The plan for this trip is like this... 3 or 4 days in Dubai, then another week in Oman, then I fly into Bangalore, India. The main goal of this trip is in Mysore, India, where I'm going to spend a month doing yoga and learning Sanskrit :-) Then when I'm bendy enough, I'm going to the West Coast of India, through Kerala, Hampi, up to Goa for a while, and then to Bombay for a few days of shopping. I leave Bombay and fly back to Canada via London, where I'm stopping off for a few days to see some friends. I'm going to try and update this site as much as I can, but if I have to use dial-up I'll go crazy! I'll try to make friends with people who have broadband :-)

From Mysore to Bangalore to Goa

INDIA | Thursday, 22 February 2007 | Views [1574]

Hello from Goa!


Last couple of weeks in Mysore were fantastic – I made sure I got in lots of pool time and am now as tanned as I think I can get, which is still pretty white.


I was sad to leave Mysore but excited to get to Bangalore to meet up with Annie and Amber and go to Goa.  The people I met in Mysore were amazing and hopefully I'll see them again at some point.


An “incident” happened in downtown Mysore while I was waiting to cross the street.  It was 2PM and a drunk guy grabbed my ass.  I told him off in the rudest English I know, then the next thing I know a cop has grabbed him and brought him over to me to apologize.  The then cop took his metal-tipped cane, slapped the guy hard on his hand, then once on each shoulder.  I then started freaking out, and luckily I was with my friend Sophia who took me away and we had a coffee.  I felt guilty all day then I realized I didn’t cause him to get caned, he did.  And actually it was a good thing – it was a really crowded intersection and then everyone around saw that it is not OK to grab women.


Otherwise still loved Mysore and hope to go back.


Took the train to Bangalore, and late that night with Sophia and two of her friends undid 5 weeks of detox and yoga with 3 glasses of wine.  Got up the next morning at 5AM to pick up Annie and Amber from the airport.  They spent the morning walking around, I napped and recovered a bit, and then we took a 2PM flight to Goa, a taxi to Vagator Beach, then checked out the Anjuna flea market, which is unbelievably big but fairly repetitive merchandise.  I’m in a bit of chock here – Goa is really really expensive compared to Mysore.  That made me grumpy.  But I did my first yoga class in Goa this morning and it was fantastic. 


Our taxi from the airport to our beach took about an hour, and we had a great driver who answered all our questions (as well as he could).  Goans are Goans first, then Indian.  It’s the newest and smallest state, and was still a Portuguese colony until 1961.  So it’s a very different feeling here than in Mysore. 


I’m planning to stay in Goa for 7 more days, then take the overnight train and meet up with Annie and Amber in Goa.  They’re checking out the Taj Mahal and Delhi and Ellora  but I just can’t face that much movement...


I’ve heard the snow conditions are fantastic back home so that’s exciting and I can’t wait to go skiing.  I also learned today that Britney Spears recently shaved her head.


Bye for now, hugs from India!  Sonja

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