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Curry in a Hurry The plan for this trip is like this... 3 or 4 days in Dubai, then another week in Oman, then I fly into Bangalore, India. The main goal of this trip is in Mysore, India, where I'm going to spend a month doing yoga and learning Sanskrit :-) Then when I'm bendy enough, I'm going to the West Coast of India, through Kerala, Hampi, up to Goa for a while, and then to Bombay for a few days of shopping. I leave Bombay and fly back to Canada via London, where I'm stopping off for a few days to see some friends. I'm going to try and update this site as much as I can, but if I have to use dial-up I'll go crazy! I'll try to make friends with people who have broadband :-)

Gallery: Goa and Mumbai

INDIA | Tuesday, 6 Mar 2007 | Photo Gallery

Beach, shopping, Holi festival!
See all 96 photos >>

Goa, Mumbai, and 4 airports in 24 hours...

INDIA | Monday, 5 Mar 2007 | Views [1282]

I LOVE LOVE LOVE INDIA!  One thing I won't miss though is the 100's of "OM" tattoos that I've been seeing for the last 2 months - I might throw up if I see one more...  It seems to be a yoga prerequisite :-) Today (Sunday March 3 - last ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Gallery: Mysore, Bangalore, and Goa

INDIA | Thursday, 22 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

Sights and stuff
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From Mysore to Bangalore to Goa

INDIA | Thursday, 22 Feb 2007 | Views [1573]

Hello from Goa!   Last couple of weeks in Mysore were fantastic – I made sure I got in lots of pool time and am now as tanned as I think I can get, which is still pretty white.   I was sad to leave Mysore but excited to ... Read more >

Tags: planes trains & automobiles

Party on train from Ooty

INDIA | Tuesday, 6 Feb 2007 | Views [655] | Video

Tags: Culture

Buddhist monks learning stuff

INDIA | Tuesday, 6 Feb 2007 | Views [580] | Video

Tags: Culture

Cow in street of Mysore

INDIA | Tuesday, 6 Feb 2007 | Views [593] | Video

Tags: The Great Outdoors

More traffic in Bangalore

INDIA | Tuesday, 6 Feb 2007 | Views [564] | Video

Tags: On the Road

You Tube links

INDIA | Tuesday, 6 Feb 2007 | Views [606] | Video

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: Side trips from Mysore

INDIA | Tuesday, 6 Feb 2007 | Photo Gallery

Tibetan settlements and Ooty
See all 60 photos >>

Tibetan settlements, Ooty

INDIA | Tuesday, 6 Feb 2007 | Views [2361]

NB:  I wrote this originally on Saturday - after typing for 30 minutes straight, the power went out and I thought it was lost forever...  But I went back later and since I had used Word, autorecover kicked in!  Yay! I’ve been in India for almost ... Read more >

Tags: Mountains

Gallery: Bangalore and Mysore

INDIA | Saturday, 20 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 80 photos >>

In veggie Mysore, dreaming of beef...

INDIA | Saturday, 20 Jan 2007 | Views [1116]

I had lunch today and it cost $1.32, which included a 10% tip. Food (and everything else) can be really cheap here too. After 4 days of being very stressed out, crying a lot, and losing my temper at every taxi driver here, I’m finally relaxed and enjoying ... Read more >

Tags: Food & eating

Gallery: Dubai and Oman

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Sunday, 7 Jan 2007 | Photo Gallery

See all 113 photos >>

Dubai & Oman

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES | Friday, 5 Jan 2007 | Views [999]

Dubai is like Las Vegas, if you replace all the casinos with shopping malls, and subtract the alcohol.  If it were a person, it would be Madonna - very hardworking, very pretty, and demanding attention 24/7!! It's an amzing city with construction happening ... Read more >

Tags: On the Road

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