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Around the World in ___ Years

Who you Love I'll Love

USA | Thursday, 16 May 2013 | Views [283]

It is officially one week since I arrived home from Brazil. That thought and reality is crazy to me and I feel like I never left. I guess this is the perfect time to wrap this blog up. I am sorry I didn’t keep up with my blog after my project ended. Once it did end in less than 2 weeks I was able to see: Machu Pichhu, Christ the Redeemer and Iguaçu falls. I am one lucky girl and don't know how I got it all done!

This trip defiantly tested me in a lot of ways and looking back I wouldn’t have had it any other way. My project organization was not very helpful at times so I quickly learned that I was going to need to rely on myself if I wanted goals accomplished. But I also learned quickly that I wouldn’t have gotten anything done without the Lord looking over me. There was never a day that went by that I did not see him working right alongside of me. There was even a day that I said "give me a sign!" and 3 hours later I got that sign loud and clear. People noticed something different about me and for the first time I was not afraid to tell them exactly why I was in Brazil and what I believed in. It even ended up helping a couple people get through some hard times. I also could not have successfully finished this trip without the support of my friends and family. Not only financially but emotionally so I want to take time out to say thanks! I know everyone reading this blog is in different stages of their lives but if there is one thing I could tell you to do after my experience it would be to volunteer. It doesn’t matter if it is in your community or in another country. It doesn’t matter if it is a soup kitchen or building a house. Every situation is going to take you out of your normal routine and give you a chance to help others and bring joy to a stranger. You have a chance to really look around and realize how many people really do need help or even help you realize problem that you think are bad could be a lot worse. Could you imagine what this world would look like if everyone that was able would go out and help another person. Would there be hunger, homelessness, filled jails, or crimes on the tv every day. I don’t know the answer to that question but I wouldn’t mind trying it out to see what could happen. I am somewhat ready to settle back into my life in Pittsburgh but I will be looking up and be listening for where my next calling is going to be. I look forward to seeing everyone and telling you my many stories that might not have made it into this blog. Check out this song if you get a chance, I think it is a good wrap up of who I am what I stand for and where my future is taking me! Love you all!



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