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Gary and Karen Lawrence


FRANCE | Sunday, 20 October 2013 | Views [461] | Comments [1]

Sunday 20th October.

We both manged to get a good nights sleep and woke well before our alarm at 5am. We walked from the hotel to the train terminal where we caught a shuttle bus out to Rome airport. We managed to get some wifi and make a quick post on FB and send a few email, which was nice. I had already arranged boarding passes and we only had carry on luggage so we boarded quickly. We had the first row so Gaz could stretch his legs out! The flight from Rome to Paris only take 1:45min and it was smooth - no problems. We landed at Orly Airport at 12:30pm. We needed to catch the airport train to Antony and then change to City. This was our first mistake :( not sure how but we ended out back at the airport!!!! So it was another 20 min on our trip. Not the worst that could happen but annoying. We got off at Chatelet les Maison and had a short walk to our Hotel.  We are just of the main rd Rue de Rivioli which runs parallel to the river Seine.

After quickly putting our bags away we started walking. We walked along the Rivioli past the Louvre (it's huge!) and walked through the gardens. Here we crossed the river and walked along the Seine all the way down to the Notre Dame cathedral. They have put a huge viewing platform in front of the cathedral, which has taken away the grandness of it. Not sure if this might just be temporary or if it is to be permanent. The cathedral is beautiful and we hope to get back tomorrow to have look through, but that will depend on time.

 We hadn't eaten since breakfast at 6:30am and it was now 4pm! We walked along the smaller alleys and ended out having a pizza directly opposit the Australian Pub! Back to the hotel for a shower and changed into our evening clothes. We were doing an organised tour tonight and walked to our meeting point near the Lourve. We were taken by a double decker bus to the Eiffel Tower. Wow it is huge! when you stand underneath it and look up! it is enormous! We were taken up the elevator to the first level, which is the restaurant. We had a lovely meal overlooking Paris. Once finished, we had some free time to wander around the first level and take photos. We could also walk up the stairs to the next level but as it was cold and I had heels on, we decided against doing that! 

From the Eiffel Tower we caught a boat and had a one hour cruise along the Seine. It was beautiful. We sat upstairs and just took all the sights in. The bridges were amazing. Each one was slightly different. Some were made of stone, others brick, metal and even wood. They were all spectacular. From the cruise we caught a bus back to our hotel. Gary is now sleeping and I am making the most of the free wifi.  Our phone is still not connecting to the wifi, which is frustrating because we can't get any photos up. I will take the iPad with me tomorrow and get a few photos before we leave.

Tomorrow we start off with a 3 hour guided tour of the Louvre. I am really looking forward to this, but at it is now 12:10am, I am thinking it is time for me to sleep. It has been a long day but thoroughly enjoyable, Xx



Brilliant, I am exhausted reading it. Keep it coming and keep having fun xxx

  dianne_peter Oct 24, 2013 5:05 PM

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