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People's Environmental Awareness - Khati (PEAK) Follow PEAK with the financial assistance of World Nomads on the path to delivering educational, water supplies & solar home lighting systems to Kumaon villages....

Improving education in the Kumaon Himalaya (India) 2015/16

Uttarakhand had the warmest winter (2015/16) in history. The locals didn't consider  two falls lasting only two hours each as worth counting. This photo taken post class outside the library on one of those occasions. Surech is clutching his much loved homework book...

INDIA | Friday, 27 May 2016 | Views [209]

Uttarakhand had the warmest winter (2015/16) in history. The locals didn't consider two falls lasting only two hours each as worth counting. This photo taken post class outside the library on one of those occasions. Surech is clutching his much loved homework book...

Tags: education library khati uttarakhand india