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People's Environmental Awareness - Khati (PEAK) Follow PEAK with the financial assistance of World Nomads on the path to delivering educational, water supplies & solar home lighting systems to Kumaon villages....

Improving education in the Kumaon Himalaya (India) 2015/16

Rekha's homework book. This year we gave all the children homework books. This saw immense pride in all the work that went into it - the books were highly prized. Amazingly, thanks to the concept all homework was promptly done on time!

INDIA | Wednesday, 25 May 2016 | Views [272]

Rekha's homework book. This year we gave all the children homework books. This saw immense pride in all the work that went into it - the books were highly prized. Amazingly, thanks to the concept all homework was promptly done on time!

Tags: education khati uttarkhand india