We don't leave till tomorrow but the adventure has begun already. We woke up today to the news that our flight from Boston to LA was cancelled for tomorrow. They were happy to book us the following day, BUT there were no seats on the LA to Auckland flight for the next three days. By 6:30AM we had secured two seats on a flight from Hartford to LA which should get us into LA three hours before our departure. Crisis averted, we hope! Janis is driving us to Bradley so we don't have to leave a car there, and Terry is driving our car to Laura's in Arlington so we will have it for our return flight.
We expect to be in Auckland Friday AM (thursday PM for those reading this post). We will pick our bikes at the bike shop which is near the airport and they will drive us and the bikes to our hotel in town. We will spend Friday and Saturday in Aukland and head for Opotiki and the East Cape on Sunday planning to begin our ride Monday. Needless to say we are very excited.
Hopefully this works as well as the site assures us it will. If not, I'll do some fine tuning before we leave at 10:30 tomorrow AM.