Not much has happened over the past few days. We have just been chilling out in Auckland. We went a bar called minus 5 on Friday night, where everything was made out of ice including the glasses. Had to wear 2 pairs of gloves and a very classy eskimo type jacket, and could only stay in there half an hour cos it got so cold. The ice sculptures were really good, and last about 6 months before they have to be replaced. We weren't allowed to take photos unfortunately and they charged a fortune to take some of us so we didn't bother! Were told if we broke anything we would have to pay for it, so we were very careful not to drop a glass or knock over any sculptures. Had a very nice cocktail and then went into a bar next door to warm up.
Spent yesterday wandering around Auckland and went for a drink in our favourite irish bar that we have visited every day we have been here. Might be able to fit in a roast dinner there before we fly to L.A this evening. Neither of us are looking forward to the flight as its going to totally mess up our body clocks. We leave Auckland at 1940 on the 11/11 for an 11 hour flight to L/A and arrive in L.A at 1030 on 11/11. So get there before we leave!. At least we get an extra days holiday out of it!!!!!!!