Day 232/3, 28Feb/1Mar 09: US parking Part 3: Grand Canyons & Joshua Trees
We had a nice breakfast with Fanny & Didier and then finally said goodbye for real (this was the 3rd time), as they would fly back to Switzerland that day.
We went to the edge and viewed down the Grand Canyon.
It is one of the world’s most famous and visited tourist attractions,
with more than 5 million visitors each year (most of them from the US).
It is something that many people put on their ‘bucket list’, but after
looking down into the void, we both thought the same. ‘Is that it?’
Don’t get me wrong, it is
an amazing place. The gorge (with the Colorado River flowing through)
is 1800m/6000ft deep and the other Rim (closed for winter) several
miles away.
There are many beautiful rock formations everywhere, and different light creates different colours all the time.
But maybe because of the size we both felt like we were on a
mountain looking down and towards another mountain. We both have
climbed many –higher- mountains and 1800m drop was maybe therefore not
so impressive.
Maybe it was just the Grand name of the place, but we both agreed that Bryce canyon and the Horseshoe Bend were far more impressive places.
We headed to the visitor centre and then decided to simply see all the famous spots along the Canyon Rim. The Grand Canyon is most developed on this Southern side and a nice windy road curves along its edge, passing forests where elk roam free.
spent some time in the old Watch tower, headed into the main lodges
(where there was free Wi-Fi!) to Skype my mom for her b-day and then
went to see the sunset that never really came in the western end of the
route, the Hermit’s Rest.

decided not to stay another night in the park and took the main road
out. It was still off-season, but there was a long row of cars, I can
not imagine how busy these roads must be in summer…
After a few hours in the dark I had enough of driving and just off
the ‘hysterical Route 66’ we asked the manager in a local Subway shop
(we are still in the $5 footlong season :)) where we could pitch our
tent. She said that we could drive down a dirt road and pitch our tent
‘anywhere after the 2nd cattle guard’.
headed into the dark middle of Nowhere, parked our car and pitched our
tent next to the road in a grassy patch. In the middle of the night
some cars passed which made us quite comfortable. It was weekend, the
cars –all trucks- were doing at least 80 miles per hour and we were in
the middle of Redneck country were, according to many people we had
talked to, guns were more present than common sense…
1st march 2009: Wonderful desert in Joshua Tree
We made it through the night without any bullet holes, packed our
tent and headed further west. Route 95 South was like a miniature
rollercoaster, and only 2 lanes wide. We passed a cyclist heading our
way, but due to heavy traffic, there was no place we could safely stop
–let alone turn- to share some food and water, so we continued through
the dry desert.
arrived in a small town with the interesting name ‘Twentynine Palms’
(we spotted more) where we took the detour through Joshua Tree National
It basically is a high desert zone, named after the most common
plant to be found here, the Yucca Brevifolia, better known as the
Joshua Tree. Made famous by Anton Corbijn for the U2 album with the
same name, it is an impressive plant. Not 2 are the same and it takes
decades, centuries or even millennia to grow full size.
There are concerns about the future of the plant as climate change might make it too hot for the plant to grow, at least in most of the park.
I really enjoyed this place. Ivana liked it as well, but did not
find it so special, but I could not get enough of walking around the
desert sands, checking the different plants,
scrambling up rocks, and watching rock climbers climbing the bigger
ones. Not sure what, but something about the park is very peaceful and
much more fulfilling than the Gran Canyon had been…
here is a photographic impression of the small park. As always (if
you read this on the website and not in the newsletter): click for an
automagically enlarged version on your screen. If you get bored by plants or trees (or photos in general), I suggest you scroll down a bit

One more night of luxury: Palm Springs
As mentioned in a previous post:
I had traded some writing and photography for hotel nights, and we
still had one ‘left’. We had contacted the Springs hotel and we were
all set for a nice night in the hotel in Palm Springs.
once we dropped down across the San Andres fracture -that is
actually visible here- into Palm Springs, we were happy to see the
desert filled with hundreds if not thousands of wind turbines
harvesting the energy of the desert wind.
The place itself was a bit deserted, and many restaurants were
closed, but the room was great and the pizza from around the corner
tasty and spicy, a perfect ending to a great road trip.
On a bicycle alone we would never have seen all of these natural
wonders, though it would make a great bike trip on its own. Hope you
enjoyed the images and get to visit these places yourself one day.

Next report coming up soon:
Back in LA, time to pack the bikes and head down South again: From
Los Angeles to San Diego, getting close to the border with Mexico…
Tags: Arizona, California, Canyon, Grand Canyon, Joshua Tree, parks, plants, roadtrip
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