December 13 2008 by
Harry (Edit)
of the greatest places we have seen on this trip, was dark and cold…
Views were very limited, but that was exactly the main attraction as we
were cycling on the Avenue of the Giants, a 50 km (31mile) long road
through the Humboldt Redwood State Park in Northern California.
Only about 4-5% of the original giant trees (Redwoods and Giant
Sequoias) are left after the logging activities, and this place is one
of the best to enjoy the grandeur of the trees.
cycling through thousands of kilometres of forests and nature, we had
not expected to be so impressed anymore, but just cycling and walking
between these Giants, some over 100 meter high and thousands of years
old, made us feel humble and small. It also gave hope that maybe nature
can be saved if humans try to do their best as well…
Soon more stories about Northern California,
for now I just wanted to share some images of the road, the trees, the
villages and the odd tourist attractions. It is hard to put the Giants
into perspective, the light is always wrong (or absent) and no photo
will ever do justice to the feeling of being there.