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Romanian roots, visiting "Tanti Joana" y name is Bettina Theuerkauf, I am a 23 year old student, studying Media Technology in Germany. It was due to my courses that I bought my first camera only a few years ago and since than I stuck with the subject. I always knew that I could not work primar

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited - Visiting "Tanti Joana"

ROMANIA | Thursday, 10 January 2013 | Views [563] | View Larger Image

"Tanti Joana" remembered me as I was a baby and was so moved by seeing me again that she took out her mobile phone in order to dial a friend of hers, living only a few steps away from her house and tell her the good news of my visit. I was more than surprised to see that she had a mobile phone and even more surprised and moved about her reaction. It showed me once again, that happiness is not depending on social status or material things but rather on such small things like family, friends and appreciating the things you have. Happiness is only real when shared. (Nucetu, Romania Sep. 11, 2011)

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