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There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "mekong river".

Kompong Cham

CAMBODIA | Friday, 30 Mar 2012 | Views [425]

Nice rivertown, used it to break up the bus ride from Phnom Penh to Mondulkiri (Sen Monorom).  Went across the bamboo bridge on a bicycle to a HUGE island, with hundreds of kids yelling out "Hello!", which is always cool.  Hired a very good ... Read more >

Tags: kompong cham, mekong river, mekong sunrise

Kompong Cham

CAMBODIA | Friday, 30 Mar 2012 | Views [473]

Nice rivertown, used it to break up the bus ride from Phnom Penh to Mondulkiri (Sen Monorom).  Went across the bamboo bridge on a bicycle to a HUGE island, with hundreds of kids yelling out "Hello!", which is always cool.  Hired a very good ... Read more >

Tags: kompong cham, mekong river, mekong sunrise

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