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My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Myself and my best friend spent 2 weeks backpacking in Guatemala, which was far too short in my opinion! 

This photograph was taken on our return journey from the beautiful Lago de Atitilan, after a breathtaking sunrise that morning. I have an obsessive love for interesting clouds, sunrises and sunsets, both at home and abroad. 
The lake has a fascinating history, where the remains of Guatemala civil war are still seen in the inscriptions on stones around the lake, proclaiming support for the guerrilas. The lakeside villages scattered between the mountains and volcanoes are filled with indigenous villagers dressed head to toe in colourful Mayan traditional costumes.

GUATEMALA | Sunday, 6 January 2013 | Views [377] | View Larger Image

Myself and my best friend spent 2 weeks backpacking in Guatemala, which was far too short in my opinion! This photograph was taken on our return journey from the beautiful Lago de Atitilan, after a breathtaking sunrise that morning. I have an obsessive love for interesting clouds, sunrises and sunsets, both at home and abroad. The lake has a fascinating history, where the remains of Guatemala civil war are still seen in the inscriptions on stones around the lake, proclaiming support for the guerrilas. The lakeside villages scattered between the mountains and volcanoes are filled with indigenous villagers dressed head to toe in colourful Mayan traditional costumes.

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