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Colors of the world

A 'place' I have visited

PERU | Sunday, 26 May 2013 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

Travelling all over the world is a unique experience that's why I decided to practise it in a professional way as cruise ship officer and tour leader.In the same time I had the chance to practise my passion too that is photography , with a compact ... Read more >
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Tags: Travel Photography Scholarship 2013

The children of Uros

PERU | Sunday, 26 May 2013 | Views [296]

The Titicaca lake is situated on the Andes, at the Peru - Bolivia borders, and with its 3,812m of surface elevation is the highest flotable water mass in the world. Near the Peruvian coast are notable the Uros islands and their native Quechua people, ... Read more >

Tags: puno, quechua people, titicaca lake, uros islands

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