The biggest deal today was the wait for the word about hosting the 2016 Olympics. This was Spain's first attempt and they were very excited to be in the final 2. We stopped for a break on the way back to Madrid and it was then announced that they were in the final 2. It was really great. Although they didn't expect to get the games on their first bid, the Plaza de Oriente was packed with people watching on the big screens. It was a huge disappointment but I'm sure they'll try again. We were all anxious for Madrid because if they got the games, what a party it would be tonight! Now, they are all crying in their beer. Either way, there was going to be beer. ;)
Last night in La Alberca, we had a special dinner in the town. Prior to dinner, we wrote about the history of the town then acted them out. While my group had a funny one, another group included a person dressed as a pig laying in the square. That was funny enough but when his balloon ear busted and scared him, he squealed, which just made things go crazy.
We returned from the dinner, which was exactly like the dinner we would have had anyway only in a different place, many folks continued to party. I always sleep with the window open so around 5 a.m., I heard this guy just hollering and screaming. I wondered 'what the heck' but just closed the window. I found out this a.m. that it was the BRITISH guy. I could barely hear him when he talked, he was so soft spoken! He missed breakfast and graduation and I wonder if he'll be back.
Speaking of graduation. We were put into groups and were asked to write lyrics to an existing song about Pueblo Ingles. Our's was to My Way. I'm going to have to find the lyrics but they were good. Everyone did a fine job but my favorite was the group dressed like famous singers (Stevie Wonder was hilarious)which did a huge build up and sang some silly thing like happy birthday or something.
So now I am back in Madrid staying at a very nice hostal off of Puerta de Sol. It was so packed when I got off the subway, I could barely make my way through the crowd. Suitcases plus my worry about pickpockets! I'm not sure I will eat anything because I don't want to go back out but, it's almost 9:30 p.m. and I may start getting hungry.
I am going to upload some pics under photos and see if they are viewable. If not, I will reload later to the journal.
Tomorrow, sightseeing.