In two weeks, I should be ready to go. As with most trips, I tend to get a bunch of stuff done way in advance and then panic at the last minute because I have run out of time.
Months ago I completed the airfare and hotel reservations. With those things completed, I haven't done much else. A big task is finding a place for Jack the Dog to stay while I'm away. The arrangements are in place now and Jack is going to be on an adventure too. He will be staying with my friend Liliana's sister, Diana. He won't be in his own home and there will be a three year old getting the attention he is used to getting. I am setting up a fall back position with the kennel just in case Jack gets thrown out. I wouldn't be surprised given some of the reports I have gotten from other dogsitters.
I am practicing my necessary spanish phrases: hello, good day/night, thank you, I'm sorry, excuse me, I'd like a cup of coffee, how much does it cost, and I don't speak Spanish. This list has worked well for me when visiting other countries. Hopefully, I won't get mixed up and say "I don't speak English," which is what happened in Costa Rica. That really confused the gas station attendant.