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Girl Gone Global

Photos: Snaps from Around the World

WORLDWIDE | Friday, 3 Aug 2012 | Photo Gallery

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My Scholarship entry - Through Local Eyes

WORLDWIDE | Friday, 3 Aug 2012 | Views [2476] | Comments [13] | Video | Scholarship Entry

Hi! I'm Angie, and I hope to be the next Samantha Brown! My passions are, believe it or not, film/media and travel! I went to film school in Philadelphia, PA, before working in the NYC television scene for two years, but was not passionate about the ... Read more >

Tags: travel film scholarship 2012

My Travel Writing Scholarship 2011 entry - Journey in an Unknown Culture

WORLDWIDE | Friday, 4 Mar 2011 | Views [453] | Scholarship Entry

The phrasebooks worked just fine in Madrid or Rome, but there I stood, overpacked suitcase, night sky falling, overwhelmed by Tokyo, Japan. “Ozzaaa-koooza?” I asked a man in an alleyway. He stared blankly. I was SPEAKING Japanese. “Ozzzaaaa-kooooooozza?” ... Read more >

Tags: #2011Writing, Travel Writing Scholarship 2011

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Santa Monica Beach!

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