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ange in africa...again one aussie girl, 6 weeks, back to the continent that captured my heart

4 countries in 1 day

MOZAMBIQUE | Saturday, 5 January 2008 | Views [847] | Comments [2]

first of all merry christmas and happy new year to all!! hope your's was an amazing one. my was different, as would be expected, but i had an amazing time, partly because it was so different! kenyan elections were in the middle of it all, it was starting to get really tense when i was there but i left kenya on december 29 and it was after that that all the riots and church burning started. new years in kampala was a hoot, copious beers at an irish bar, dancing non stop all night, kissing random ugandan/englishmen, then nursing a mean hangover on new years day. becuase of the riots in kenya the borders with uganda closed so the idea of busing it through kenya to tanzania went out the window. i found another bus that could take me into tanzania, but as the kenyan violence continued, uganda started experiencing a fuel shortage (all the fuel comes through the port of mombasa), so if the bus was going to run, it'd be at 5 times the normal price. this left me in a dilly of pickle. so i basically decided that i'd bypass tanzania altogether and go straight to mozambique, which is where i am now! so yesterday i flew from uganda to kenya to south africa to mozambique, four countries in one day. and i was utterly wankered at the end of it! mozambique has a really different vibe to all the other countries i've visited, its a lot more party like and not as i guess uptight as some of the other places. maybe its the european influence, the place is entirely portugese speaking. so my 'ola' is getting a workout, one of the 2 things i know how to say! but i seem to be getting along ok, the people are nice, the capital maputo is nice, it actually has street lights, always a good sign. so i'll probably spend a week or so here then head back to south africa then back to oz in a few weeks time! it feels wierd to be approaching the end of my trip but just between you and me, i'm chompin at the bit to be back in aussie land, to hear a bit of aussie twang, to drink many aussie beers, to eat a bit of vegemite. good times. take good care. love and peace and ola!!!!!

Tags: On the Road




Hi Ange, glad to hear you are not caught up in all the trouble in Kenya. Your mum told us of your trip and your web site, I must say it has been quite enjoyable and interesting to be able to share your stories and stephen and I really enjoy hearing all about your journey, you are one brave girl to go on such an adventure, your family should be very proud of you and your efforts to help out over there. Stay safe ange and when you come to Brissy be sure to look us up. Mum has our details.
Elaine Wilkinson

  wilky & elaine Jan 6, 2008 11:06 AM


You crack me up ange, i think you should be a writer. It's so entertaining to read of your travels, keep it up and enjoy every minute. Watch for car jacking and theft, yep i read the lonely planet guide agaaaaaiiiin!! You better be able to still speak that good ol aussie twang when you get home.LOL

love u lots


  mum Jan 6, 2008 10:08 PM



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