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ange in africa...again one aussie girl, 6 weeks, back to the continent that captured my heart

at least its not ebola

KENYA | Tuesday, 18 December 2007 | Views [1023] | Comments [2]

well, that's yet to be confirmed anyway! after three weeks of delhi belly and ineffective antibiotics i went to the hospital yesterday where they took a poo sample to confirm whats actually wrong with me. i was putting it off and putting it off cos i was freaking out that i'd get there and they'd be like what, you've ben in uganda?! we've got a code red, get the gloves, disinfectant and masks, we're on ebola alert! but suprisingly the doctor wasn't that concerned at all, but i figure my belly issues have been going on for three weeks and if it was ebola i'd most certainly be dead by now, which is a comforting thought! so the doctor thinks its ameoba or something and the medication seems to be working cos today has been the most SOLID day of the last 3 weeks, if you get my drift.

the ebola stuff has been pretty crazy though, there's all these rumours going around and a lot of hearsay but no real true facts. before i left uganda i'd heard that the rwandan and kenyan borders were closed, they'd quarantined the worst effected areas of the country, people were beeing turned away from the nairobi airport, none of which was true. the newspapers don't really tell you anything either so there's just all this hearsay and me going oh my god, i'm gonna be trapped in uganda forever and then i'm gonna die of ebola!!! but i did get let into kenya, just had to fill out a questionnaire at the airport, have you had any of these symptoms in the last two weeks kind of thing. the scary thing was though i could tick yes to like 80% of the symptoms, but they were all because of other things. diarhea, yes but thats because i ate rotten tomatoes; abdominal pain, yes but thats because it was that time of the month; cough, yes but i've had that cough for the last 3 months before i even arrived in uganda; and so on and so forth.

so it looks like i'm spending my christmas in nairobi with the parents of my kenyan family and all the other relatives. its so crazy cos the mother of the people that i've been staying with is so excited to meet me! she's been calling saying when is angela coming, does she eat samosas, she can stay at my house, all this kind of stuff. its really flattering that this person who doesn't even know me could show me such kindness and concern. i guess thats kenyan hospitality for you, i've been made to feel so welcomed into the family. so even though i won't be with my real family for christmas i'll still get to share it with my new family, and to me thats what christmas is all about. peace and love:)

Tags: Doctors, hospitals & health



G'day amazing Angelaa-laa

Have a great, groovy Christmas...and a super funtastic birthday. We sure going2 miss you for both. Who's going 2b the funny drunk this year? Can't be me cos I'm the "sensible one", can't be Keith cos he's working... But we sure will drink a toast 2u...

Love always



  mum Dec 21, 2007 7:53 PM


Hi Ange from your Aunty Carmel. I hope you are still having an awesome time there and are safe. I can't wait to one day catch up and hear all about your adventures. Don't forget that bed is still there in Wollongong for you.

  Carmel Doggett Jan 3, 2008 1:38 PM



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