For no other reason than to stop in a country neither of us had been to, we decided to drive through Luxembourg and stop for lunch before continuing to Switzerland.
There was nothing particularly amazing about Luxembourg city, but it did provide an interesting couple of hours break from driving. It was a hot sunny day and we thought it would have been nice to take advantage of the bicycles for hire that were available all around, but we didn`t really have the time. One tourist spot we did decide to squeeze in was the Church Of Notre Dame, a must-see surely. However the church was a bit of a let-down from the outside; not the majestic cathedral we`d imagined... and where was the the balcony that Quasimodo hung from, calling "Esmerelda! Esmerelda!" ?
Yes ok, we know now. That particular Cathedral of Notre Dam is in Paris, not Luxembourg!
So after fighting the crowds in the city to find somewhere reasonable and not touristy to eat (we failed on the non-touristy part) we were quite happy to leave Luxembourg and continue on our way.