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360 degrees in 364 days! Going around the world in a year. That is Genevieve's and my goal. We hope to absorp the most out of each culture we visit and make ourselves better citizens of the world.

Photos: Evora (Portugal)

PORTUGAL | Monday, 16 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Lisboa (Portugal)

PORTUGAL | Monday, 16 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Malaga with the in-laws

SPAIN | Thursday, 12 Aug 2010 | Views [701] | Comments [2]

Sorry for the long delay before this article, my laptop crapped out and I am forced to type this on a public computer. It's not so bad unless there are people queing behind me to use the computer... So unfortunately, this will be a very short article.... Read more >

Photos: Sevilla (Spain)

SPAIN | Thursday, 12 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Malaga (Spain)

SPAIN | Wednesday, 11 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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In transit in Italy...

ITALY | Thursday, 22 Jul 2010 | Views [532]

I spent a total of two days in Italy, both times while in transit; the first time between Greece and Croatia, and the second time between Croatia and Spain. It was nice to be able to add another country on my itinerary and have a little taste for a ... Read more >

Photos: Bari & Pisa (Italy)

ITALY | Thursday, 22 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Viva Espana in Croatia!

CROATIA | Thursday, 22 Jul 2010 | Views [885] | Comments [1]

After over seven months on the road together, Gen and I decided we would split up for two weeks; this would be like our separate vacations from our regular vacation :o) Gen really wanted to visit Barcelona and the north of Spain while I really wanted ... Read more >

Photos: Zadar (Croatia)

CROATIA | Wednesday, 14 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Zagreb (Croatia)

CROATIA | Wednesday, 14 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Korcula (Croatia)

CROATIA | Wednesday, 14 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Dubrovnik (Croatia)

CROATIA | Wednesday, 14 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Greece was nice!

GREECE | Saturday, 10 Jul 2010 | Views [1139] | Comments [1]

Our stay in Greece was pretty busy and short. Well, compared to the four months spent in Asia the two and a half weeks in Greece lasted a blink of an eye. But as the saying goes, it was short and sweet! We were first greeted by my friend Stella ... Read more >

Photos: Athens (Greece)

GREECE | Saturday, 3 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Naxos Island (Greece)

GREECE | Saturday, 3 Jul 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Santorini Island (Greece)

GREECE | Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 86 photos >>

Photos: Crete Island (Greece)

GREECE | Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Photos: Rhodes Island (Greece)

GREECE | Sunday, 27 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Goodbye Asia, thank you!

THAILAND | Sunday, 13 Jun 2010 | Views [1046] | Comments [1]

On November 14, 2009 we left Canada to start our Around the World trip. Now, on June 14 we’ll be leaving Bangkok and Asia to continue our trip to Greece. It is incredible that it had been seven months since we started. We visited so many wonderful countries ... Read more >

Photos: Phuket (Thailand)

THAILAND | Sunday, 13 Jun 2010 | Photo Gallery

See all 37 photos >>

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