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La Dolce Vita

The Last Night

DENMARK | Tuesday, 9 Sep 2014 | Views [2117] | Comments [1]

My original plan was to get up early on my last day in Europe, the day I flew back home, but in reality, I never went to sleep.  I’d spent my days in Venice, Florence, and London just walking. I'd done other things too, but looking ... Read more >

Tags: biking, copenhagen, denmark

Reflections on Travel

USA | Sunday, 7 Sep 2014 | Views [1494]

Growing up, it didn’t take long for me to become consumed with the idea of travel. I remember declaring to my mother at an early age that I wasn’t interested in living in the United States because there were so many other countries ... Read more >

Tags: thoughts on travel, travel, writing

Lost but Content in Copenhagen

DENMARK | Wednesday, 27 Aug 2014 | Views [1373]

“Next stop: Sweden.” Yep, I got so lost upon arrival in Copenhagen that I almost ended up in Malmö, Sweden. To be fair, Malmö is only a 35-minute train/bus ride from Copenhagen (on the Øresund Bridge), but still. ... Read more >

Tags: copenhagen, denmark

How I Fell in Love with London All over Again

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 25 Aug 2014 | Views [1378]

"London smells like history." That's what I catch myself saying over and over again as  I ride along the river Thames on a bike. I am aware more than ever that history is greeting me with every corner turned and every street passed. Our biking ... Read more >

Tags: england, leadenhall market, london

Ciao, Italy!

ITALY | Friday, 22 Aug 2014 | Views [1145]

These are the facts: I am currently sitting in a cafe outside of Firenze S.M.N. train station. I am sipping a cappuccino before my train departs for Pisa. I am starting to get nostalgic for Italy in a strange and unfamiliar way, because, well, I ... Read more >

Tags: florence, italy, lucca, piazza del duomo, tuscany

Buon Appetito!

ITALY | Wednesday, 20 Aug 2014 | Views [1113]

I suppose it would be ludicrous to be in Italy and not talk about the food. I know it’s overdone (because, Italy , duh) but seriously, FOOD IS A THING HERE. A very serious thing. I spent the first part of my day in Florence walking from my ... Read more >

Tags: firenze, florence, italian food, italy

La Dolce Vita

ITALY | Tuesday, 19 Aug 2014 | Views [1404] | Comments [2]

I cringe as the boat driver throws my precious things casually to the side, chuckling as I stare at him in disbelief.  Sitting on the Alilaguna water bus going from Marco Polo airport to central Venice, my suitcase sits above me on the deck, ... Read more >

Tags: italy, venezia, venice


GERMANY | Monday, 18 Aug 2014 | Views [938]

I stand in the middle of a small, modest apartment parking lot, surrounded by plain, brick apartment buildings. A willow tree looms to my right and a small, red and blue children's slide sits to my left, currently unused.  “Four meters ... Read more >

Tags: berlin, führerbunker, germany, world war ii

Photos: Euro roadtrip

USA | Sunday, 17 Aug 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Berlin: Then & Now

GERMANY | Sunday, 17 Aug 2014 | Views [1058]

In Berlin, where a serious-looking older woman in a suit sits next to a punk on the U-bahn, there seems to be a juxtaposition between the old Berlin and the new Berlin. The older woman who remembers “East” and “West” Germany;... Read more >

Tags: berlin, berlin wall, east side gallery, germany

Wrong Side of the Wall

ISRAEL | Thursday, 15 May 2014 | Views [9164] | Comments [7] | Scholarship Entry

We pushed through the Arab Quarter and focused on the dusty ground, avoiding eye contact with anyone as if that would disguise us. It didn’t. One elderly Muslim man with a turban spat at us, his face taut with anger; another yelled profanities in Hebrew ... Read more >

Tags: 2014 Travel Writing Scholarship - Euro Roadtrip

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