T minus 2 months and 12 days until I fly to Kenya!
I am, to say the least, overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with excitement, anxiety, planning brain thoughts (work is a great place to think about all the other things you need to me doing), joy, the thought of packing and moving my stuff out, this summer's triathlon I am competing in, my two week trip to Wyoming (which is in 25 days), enjoying summertime activities and beginning to get my stuff together for grad school applications. I haven't even started studying Swahili!
What I have done is: bought my plane tickets, plaid my program fees, written TONS of thank you notes to those who have helped fund my trip, purchaced health insurance (yippee!), as well as purchased travel insurance, and found a subleter for my room.
Much love to ALL!
PS- As a rather dorky side note, I have been mildy addicted to the song "Africa" By Toto and have listen to the song probably (on average) once a day for the last month and a half. If you haven't heard it, look it up!