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SERBIA | Saturday, 22 Nov 2014 | Photo Gallery

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Workers, monks and children in Cambodia

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 22 Nov 2014 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

My love with photography started in 2004, when I purchased my first digital camera. In 2008 I won the second prize in Museum Nights competition in Belgrade, Serbia, and I am very proud of it. I was the only amateur photographer among the top three winners, ... Read more >
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Tags: 2014 Travel Photography Scholarship

My Scholarship entry - Through Local Eyes

WORLDWIDE | Wednesday, 3 Oct 2012 | Views [445] | Video | Scholarship Entry

Whenever my friend and I are traveling, we always blend in with the locals, because that is the best way to get to know a culture. This is just one of many videos we made on our trip to Bali. It touches a few topics which are associated to Bali and Indonesia ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Film Scholarship 2012

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Me looking through the airplane window

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