so... After a long (13 hour) flight, complete with screaming children, a severe lack of red wine and minimal sleep We made it! I mean who wants to be woken up at midnight and 3am English time and offered three course meals .... However we did except with the promise of risotto..turns out it was chicken and cold stirfrY!!
Anyway we made it.... After collecting our 10 ton bags we plodded, dragging our day sacks behind us to get the KLIA express to KL Central station to then hop on our last train to meskrat LRT. The hostel was pretty easy to find (once of course we had completely missed it and walked straight past it) we finally settled in. The hostel is nice we can't complain at all.. Were in at 8 bed dorm, everyone seems quiet but pretty friendly. We were tired and in need of beer! So we set off to china town for noodles and tiger beer! Food was great a we are suitably stuffed. Were currently sat in the courtyard evesdropping on German conversation! Beer included.
Tomorrow we hope to see the petronas towers and explore a bit of this brilliant city...
goodnight all! Updates to follow
thinking of and missing our loves ones..